// This script generates the TypeScript definitions import { execSync } from 'child_process'; import { readFileSync, writeFileSync, readdirSync, existsSync, copyFileSync, statSync } from 'fs'; execSync('tsc -p src/compiler --emitDeclarationOnly && tsc -p src/runtime --emitDeclarationOnly', { stdio: 'inherit' }); function modify(path, modifyFn) { const content = readFileSync(path, 'utf8'); writeFileSync(path, modifyFn(content)); } function adjust(input) { // Remove typedef jsdoc (duplicated in the type definition) input = input.replace(/\/\*\*\n(\r)? \* @typedef .+?\*\//gs, ''); input = input.replace(/\/\*\* @typedef .+?\*\//gs, ''); // Extract the import paths and types const import_regex = /import\(("|')(.+?)("|')\)\.(\w+)/g; let import_match; const import_map = new Map(); while ((import_match = import_regex.exec(input)) !== null) { const imports = import_map.get(import_match[2]) || new Map(); let name = import_match[4]; if ([...imports.keys()].includes(name)) continue; let i = 1; if (name === 'default') { name = import_match[2].split('/').pop().split('.').shift().replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, '_'); } while ([...import_map].some(([path, names]) => path !== import_match[2] && names.has(name))) { name = `${name}${i++}`; } imports.set(import_match[4], name); import_map.set(import_match[2], imports); } // Replace inline imports with their type names const transformed = input.replace(import_regex, (_match, _quote, path, _quote2, name) => { return import_map.get(path).get(name); }); // Remove/adjust @template, @param and @returns lines // TODO rethink if we really need to do this for @param and @returns, doesn't show up in hover so unnecessary const lines = transformed.split("\n"); let filtered_lines = []; let removing = null; let openCount = 1; let closedCount = 0; for (let line of lines) { let start_removing = false; if (line.trim().startsWith("* @template")) { removing = "template"; start_removing = true; } if (line.trim().startsWith("* @param {")) { openCount = 1; closedCount = 0; removing = "param"; start_removing = true; } if (line.trim().startsWith("* @returns {")) { openCount = 1; closedCount = 0; removing = "returns"; start_removing = true; } if (removing === "returns" || removing === "param") { let i = start_removing ? line.indexOf('{') + 1 : 0; for (; i < line.length; i++) { if (line[i] === "{") openCount++; if (line[i] === "}") closedCount++; if (openCount === closedCount) break; } if (openCount === closedCount) { line = start_removing ? (line.slice(0, line.indexOf('{')) + line.slice(i + 1)) : (` * @${removing} ` + line.slice(i + 1)); removing = null; } } if (removing && !start_removing && (line.trim().startsWith("* @") || line.trim().startsWith("*/"))) { removing = null; } if (!removing) { filtered_lines.push(line); } } // Replace generic type names with their plain versions const renamed_generics = filtered_lines.map(line => { return line.replace(/(\W|\s)([A-Z][\w\d$]*)_\d+(\W|\s)/g, "$1$2$3"); }); // Generate the import statement for the types used const import_statements = Array.from(import_map.entries()) .map(([path, names]) => { const default_name = names.get('default'); names.delete('default'); const default_import = default_name ? (default_name + (names.size ? ', ' : ' ')) : ''; const named_imports = names.size ? `{ ${[...names.values()].join(', ')} } ` : ''; return `import ${default_import}${named_imports}from '${path}';` }) .join("\n"); return [import_statements, ...renamed_generics].join("\n"); } let did_replace = false; function walk(dir) { const files = readdirSync(dir); const _dir = dir.slice('types/'.length) for (const file of files) { const path = `${dir}/${file}`; if (file.endsWith('.d.ts')) { modify(path, content => { content = adjust(content); if (file === 'index.d.ts' && existsSync(`src/${_dir}/public.d.ts`)) { copyFileSync(`src/${_dir}/public.d.ts`, `${dir}/public.d.ts`); content = "export * from './public.js';\n" + content; } if (file === 'Component.d.ts' && dir.includes('runtime')) { if (!content.includes('$set(props: Partial): void;\n}')) { throw new Error('Component.js was modified in a way that automatic patching of d.ts file no longer works. Please adjust it'); } else { content = content.replace('$set(props: Partial): void;\n}', '$set(props: Partial): void;\n [accessor:string]: any;\n}'); did_replace = true; } } return content; }); } else if (statSync(path).isDirectory()) { if (existsSync(`src/${_dir}/${file}/private.d.ts`)) { copyFileSync(`src/${_dir}/${file}/private.d.ts`, `${path}/private.d.ts`); } if (existsSync(`src/${_dir}/${file}/interfaces.d.ts`)) { copyFileSync(`src/${_dir}/${file}/interfaces.d.ts`, `${path}/interfaces.d.ts`); } walk(path); } } } walk('types'); if (!did_replace) { throw new Error('Component.js file in runtime does no longer exist so that automatic patching of the d.ts file no longer works. Please adjust it'); } copyFileSync(`src/runtime/ambient.d.ts`, `types/runtime/ambient.d.ts`);