title: $state
The `$state` rune allows you to create _reactive state_, which means that your UI _reacts_ when it changes.
Unlike other frameworks you may have encountered, there is no API for interacting with state — `count` is just a number, rather than an object or a function, and you can update it like you would update any other variable.
### Deep state
If `$state` is used with an array or a simple object, the result is a deeply reactive _state proxy_. [Proxies](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Proxy) allow Svelte to run code when you read or write properties, including via methods like `array.push(...)`, triggering granular updates.
> [!NOTE] Classes like `Set` and `Map` will not be proxied, but Svelte provides reactive implementations for various built-ins like these that can be imported from [`svelte/reactivity`](./svelte-reactivity).
State is proxified recursively until Svelte finds something other than an array or simple object. In a case like this...
let todos = $state([
done: false,
text: 'add more todos'
...modifying an individual todo's property will trigger updates to anything in your UI that depends on that specific property:
let todos = [{ done: false, text: 'add more todos' }];
// ---cut---
todos[0].done = !todos[0].done;
If you push a new object to the array, it will also be proxified:
let todos = [{ done: false, text: 'add more todos' }];
// ---cut---
done: false,
text: 'eat lunch'
> [!NOTE] When you update properties of proxies, the original object is _not_ mutated.
Note that if you destructure a reactive value, the references are not reactive — as in normal JavaScript, they are evaluated at the point of destructuring:
let todos = [{ done: false, text: 'add more todos' }];
// ---cut---
let { done, text } = todos[0];
// this will not affect the value of `done`
todos[0].done = !todos[0].done;
### Classes
You can also use `$state` in class fields (whether public or private):
// @errors: 7006 2554
class Todo {
done = $state(false);
text = $state();
constructor(text) {
this.text = text;
reset() {
this.text = '';
this.done = false;
> [!NOTE] The compiler transforms `done` and `text` into `get`/`set` methods on the class prototype referencing private fields. This means the properties are not enumerable.
When calling methods in JavaScript, the value of [`this`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/this) matters. This won't work, because `this` inside the `reset` method will be the `