import assert from "assert"; import * as path from "path"; import * as fs from "fs"; import * as acorn from "acorn"; import { transitionManager } from "../../shared.js"; import { showOutput, loadConfig, loadSvelte, env, setupHtmlEqual, spaces } from "../helpers.js"; let svelte; let compileOptions = null; function getName(filename) { const base = path.basename(filename).replace(".html", ""); return base[0].toUpperCase() + base.slice(1); } const nodeVersionMatch = /^v(\d)/.exec(process.version); const legacy = +nodeVersionMatch[1] < 6; const babelrc = require("../../package.json").babel; require.extensions[".html"] = function(module, filename) { const options = Object.assign( { filename, name: getName(filename) }, compileOptions ); let { code } = svelte.compile(fs.readFileSync(filename, "utf-8"), options); if (legacy) code = require('babel-core').transform(code, babelrc).code; return module._compile(code, filename); }; const Object_assign = Object.assign; describe("runtime", () => { before(() => { svelte = loadSvelte(true); return setupHtmlEqual(); }); function runTest(dir, shared) { if (dir[0] === ".") return; const config = loadConfig(`./runtime/samples/${dir}/_config.js`); if (config.solo && process.env.CI) { throw new Error("Forgot to remove `solo: true` from test"); } (config.skip ? it.skip : config.solo ? it.only : it)(dir, () => { const cwd = path.resolve(`test/runtime/samples/${dir}`); let compiled; compileOptions = config.compileOptions || {}; compileOptions.shared = shared; =; try { const source = fs.readFileSync( `test/runtime/samples/${dir}/main.html`, "utf-8" ); compiled = svelte.compile(source, compileOptions); } catch (err) { if (config.compileError) { config.compileError(err); return; } else { showOutput(cwd, shared); throw err; } } const { code } = compiled; // check that no ES2015+ syntax slipped in if (!config.allowES2015) { try { const startIndex = code.indexOf("function create_main_fragment"); // may change! if (startIndex === -1) throw new Error("missing create_main_fragment"); const es5 = code.slice(0, startIndex).split('\n').map(x => spaces(x.length)).join('\n') + code.slice(startIndex).replace(/export default .+/, ""); acorn.parse(es5, { ecmaVersion: 5 }); } catch (err) { if (! showOutput(cwd, shared); // eslint-disable-line no-console throw err; } } if ( showOutput(cwd, shared); Object.keys(require.cache) .filter(x => x.endsWith(".html")) .forEach(file => { delete require.cache[file]; }); let SvelteComponent; let unintendedError = null; return env() .then(window => { // set of hacks to support transition tests transitionManager.running = false; transitionManager.transitions = []; const raf = { time: 0, callback: null, tick: now => { raf.time = now; if (raf.callback) raf.callback(); } }; window.performance = { now: () => raf.time }; global.requestAnimationFrame = cb => { let called = false; raf.callback = () => { if (!called) { called = true; cb(); } }; }; global.window = window; try { SvelteComponent = require(`./samples/${dir}/main.html`).default; } catch (err) { showOutput(cwd, shared); // eslint-disable-line no-console throw err; } Object.assign = () => { throw new Error( "cannot use Object.assign in generated code, as it is not supported everywhere" ); }; global.window = window; // Put the constructor on window for testing window.SvelteComponent = SvelteComponent; const target = window.document.querySelector("main"); const warnings = []; const warn = console.warn; console.warn = warning => { warnings.push(warning); }; const component = new SvelteComponent({ target, data: }); Object.assign = Object_assign; console.warn = warn; if (config.error) { unintendedError = true; throw new Error("Expected a runtime error"); } if (config.warnings) { assert.deepEqual(warnings, config.warnings); } else if (warnings.length) { unintendedError = true; throw new Error("Received unexpected warnings"); } if (config.html) { assert.htmlEqual(target.innerHTML, config.html); } Object.assign = Object_assign; if (config.test) { config.test(assert, component, target, window, raf); } else { component.destroy(); assert.equal(target.innerHTML, ""); } }) .catch(err => { Object.assign = Object_assign; if (config.error && !unintendedError) { config.error(assert, err); } else { console.log('???'); showOutput(cwd, shared); // eslint-disable-line no-console throw err; } }) .then(() => { if ( showOutput(cwd, shared); }); }); } describe("inline helpers", () => { fs.readdirSync("test/runtime/samples").forEach(dir => { runTest(dir, null); }); }); const shared = path.resolve("shared.js"); describe("shared helpers", () => { fs.readdirSync("test/runtime/samples").forEach(dir => { runTest(dir, shared); }); }); it("fails if is missing in dev mode", () => { const { code } = svelte.compile(`
`, { format: "iife", name: "SvelteComponent", dev: true }); const SvelteComponent = eval( `(function () { ${code}; return SvelteComponent; }())` ); assert.throws(() => { new SvelteComponent(); }, /'target' is a required option/); }); });