import { SourceMapConsumer } from 'source-map'; const b64dec = (s) => Buffer.from(s, 'base64').toString(); export async function test({ assert, css, js }) { // We check that the css source map embedded in the js is accurate const match = js.code.match( /\tappend_styles\(target, "svelte-.{6}", "(.*?)(?:\\n\/\*# sourceMappingURL=data:(.*?);charset=(.*?);base64,(.*?) \*\/)?"\);\n/ ); assert.notEqual(match, null); const [mimeType, encoding, cssMapBase64] = match.slice(2); assert.equal(mimeType, 'application/json'); assert.equal(encoding, 'utf-8'); const cssMapJson = b64dec(cssMapBase64); css.mapConsumer = await new SourceMapConsumer(cssMapJson); // TODO make util fn + move to test index.js const sourcefile = 'input.svelte'; [ // TODO: get line and col num from input.svelte rather than hardcoding here [css, '--keep-me', 13, 2], // TODO: these should be 7, 2 and 10, 2 // we use locate_1 which means lines are 1-indexed and cols are 0-indexed // each tab is 1 col [css, '--done-replace-once', 6, 4], [css, '--done-replace-twice', 9, 4] ].forEach(([where, content, line, column]) => { assert.deepEqual( where.mapConsumer.originalPositionFor(where.locate_1(content)), { source: sourcefile, name: null, line, column }, `failed to locate "${content}" from "${sourcefile}"` ); }); }