title: {@html ...}

To inject raw HTML into your component, use the `{@html ...}` tag:

	{@html content}

> [!NOTE] Make sure that you either escape the passed string or only populate it with values that are under your control in order to prevent [XSS attacks](https://owasp.org/www-community/attacks/xss/). Never render unsanitized content.

The expression should be valid standalone HTML — this will not work, because `</div>` is not valid HTML:

{@html '<div>'}content{@html '</div>'}

It also will not compile Svelte code.

## Styling

Content rendered this way is 'invisible' to Svelte and as such will not receive [scoped styles](scoped-styles) — in other words, this will not work, and the `a` and `img` styles will be regarded as unused:

<!-- prettier-ignore -->
	{@html content}

	article {
		a { color: hotpink }
		img { width: 100% }

Instead, use the `:global` modifier to target everything inside the `<article>`:

<!-- prettier-ignore -->
	article +++:global+++ {
		a { color: hotpink }
		img { width: 100% }