--- title: Auto-subscriptions --- The app in the previous example works, but there's a subtle bug — the store is subscribed to, but never unsubscribed. If the component was instantiated and destroyed many times, this would result in a _memory leak_. Start by declaring `unsubscribe` in `App.svelte`: ```js const unsubscribe = count.subscribe((value) => { countValue = value; }); ``` > Calling a `subscribe` method returns an `unsubscribe` function. You now declared `unsubscribe`, but it still needs to be called, for example through the `onDestroy` [lifecycle hook](/tutorial/ondestroy): ```svelte

The count is {countValue}

``` It starts to get a bit boilerplatey though, especially if your component subscribes to multiple stores. Instead, Svelte has a trick up its sleeve — you can reference a store value by prefixing the store name with `$`: ```svelte

The count is {$count}

``` > Auto-subscription only works with store variables that are declared (or imported) at the top-level scope of a component. You're not limited to using `$count` inside the markup, either — you can use it anywhere in the `