import fs from 'node:fs'; import { createRequire } from 'node:module'; import replace from '@rollup/plugin-replace'; import resolve from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve'; import commonjs from '@rollup/plugin-commonjs'; import json from '@rollup/plugin-json'; const require = createRequire(import.meta.url); const pkg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('package.json', 'utf-8')); // Create auto-generated .js files fs.writeFileSync( './src/shared/version.js', `/** @type {string} */\nexport const VERSION = '${pkg.version}';` ); const internal = await import('./src/runtime/internal/index.js'); fs.writeFileSync( 'src/compiler/compile/internal_exports.js', `// This file is automatically generated\n` + `export default new Set(${JSON.stringify(Object.keys(internal))});` ); // Generate d.ts files for runtime entrypoints so that TS can find it also without `"moduleResolution": "bundler"` fs.readdirSync('src/runtime', { withFileTypes: true }) .filter((dirent) => dirent.isDirectory()) .forEach((dirent) => fs.writeFileSync( `${}.d.ts`, `export * from './types/runtime/${}/index.js';` ) ); fs.writeFileSync('./index.d.ts', `export * from './types/runtime/index.js';`); fs.writeFileSync( './compiler.d.ts', `export { compile, parse, preprocess, walk, VERSION } from './types/compiler/index.js';` ); /** * @type {import("rollup").RollupOptions[]} */ export default [ // Generate UMD build of the compiler so that Eslint/Prettier (which need CJS) and REPL (which needs UMD because browser) can use it { input: 'src/compiler/index.js', plugins: [ replace({ preventAssignment: true, values: { 'process.env.NODE_DEBUG': false // appears inside the util package } }), { resolveId(id) { // util is a built-in module in Node.js, but we want a self-contained compiler bundle // that also works in the browser, so we load its polyfill instead if (id === 'util') { return require.resolve('./node_modules/util'); // just 'utils' would resolve this to the built-in module } // Must import from the `css-tree` browser bundled distribution due to `createRequire` usage if importing from css-tree directly if (id === 'css-tree') { return require.resolve('./node_modules/css-tree/dist/csstree.esm.js'); } } }, resolve(), commonjs({ include: ['node_modules/**'] }), json() ], output: { file: 'compiler.cjs', format: 'umd', name: 'svelte', sourcemap: false }, external: [] } ];