### animation_duplicate ``` An element can only have one 'animate' directive ``` ### animation_invalid_placement ``` An element that uses the `animate:` directive must be the only child of a keyed `{#each ...}` block ``` ### animation_missing_key ``` An element that uses the `animate:` directive must be the only child of a keyed `{#each ...}` block. Did you forget to add a key to your each block? ``` ### attribute_contenteditable_dynamic ``` 'contenteditable' attribute cannot be dynamic if element uses two-way binding ``` ### attribute_contenteditable_missing ``` 'contenteditable' attribute is required for textContent, innerHTML and innerText two-way bindings ``` ### attribute_duplicate ``` Attributes need to be unique ``` ### attribute_empty_shorthand ``` Attribute shorthand cannot be empty ``` ### attribute_invalid_event_handler ``` Event attribute must be a JavaScript expression, not a string ``` ### attribute_invalid_multiple ``` 'multiple' attribute must be static if select uses two-way binding ``` ### attribute_invalid_name ``` '%name%' is not a valid attribute name ``` ### attribute_invalid_sequence_expression ``` Sequence expressions are not allowed as attribute/directive values in runes mode, unless wrapped in parentheses ``` ### attribute_invalid_type ``` 'type' attribute must be a static text value if input uses two-way binding ``` ### attribute_unquoted_sequence ``` Attribute values containing `{...}` must be enclosed in quote marks, unless the value only contains the expression ``` ### bind_invalid_expression ``` Can only bind to an Identifier or MemberExpression ``` ### bind_invalid_name ``` `bind:%name%` is not a valid binding ``` ``` `bind:%name%` is not a valid binding. %explanation% ``` ### bind_invalid_target ``` `bind:%name%` can only be used with %elements% ``` ### bind_invalid_value ``` Can only bind to state or props ``` ### bindable_invalid_location ``` `$bindable()` can only be used inside a `$props()` declaration ``` ### block_duplicate_clause ``` %name% cannot appear more than once within a block ``` ### block_invalid_continuation_placement ``` {:...} block is invalid at this position (did you forget to close the preceding element or block?) ``` ### block_invalid_elseif ``` 'elseif' should be 'else if' ``` ### block_invalid_placement ``` {#%name% ...} block cannot be %location% ``` ### block_unclosed ``` Block was left open ``` ### block_unexpected_character ``` Expected a `%character%` character immediately following the opening bracket ``` ### block_unexpected_close ``` Unexpected block closing tag ``` ### component_invalid_directive ``` This type of directive is not valid on components ``` ### const_tag_cycle ``` Cyclical dependency detected: %cycle% ``` ### const_tag_invalid_expression ``` {@const ...} must consist of a single variable declaration ``` ### const_tag_invalid_placement ``` `{@const}` must be the immediate child of `{#snippet}`, `{#if}`, `{:else if}`, `{:else}`, `{#each}`, `{:then}`, `{:catch}`, `` or `` ``` ### constant_assignment ``` Cannot assign to %thing% ``` ### constant_binding ``` Cannot bind to %thing% ``` ### css_empty_declaration ``` Declaration cannot be empty ``` ### css_expected_identifier ``` Expected a valid CSS identifier ``` ### css_global_block_invalid_combinator ``` A `:global` selector cannot follow a `%name%` combinator ``` ### css_global_block_invalid_declaration ``` A top-level `:global {...}` block can only contain rules, not declarations ``` ### css_global_block_invalid_list ``` A `:global` selector cannot be part of a selector list with more than one item ``` ### css_global_block_invalid_modifier ``` A `:global` selector cannot modify an existing selector ``` ### css_global_block_invalid_modifier_start ``` A `:global` selector can only be modified if it is a descendant of other selectors ``` ### css_global_invalid_placement ``` `:global(...)` can be at the start or end of a selector sequence, but not in the middle ``` ### css_global_invalid_selector ``` `:global(...)` must contain exactly one selector ``` ### css_global_invalid_selector_list ``` `:global(...)` must not contain type or universal selectors when used in a compound selector ``` ### css_nesting_selector_invalid_placement ``` Nesting selectors can only be used inside a rule or as the first selector inside a lone `:global(...)` ``` ### css_selector_invalid ``` Invalid selector ``` ### css_type_selector_invalid_placement ``` `:global(...)` must not be followed by a type selector ``` ### debug_tag_invalid_arguments ``` {@debug ...} arguments must be identifiers, not arbitrary expressions ``` ### declaration_duplicate ``` `%name%` has already been declared ``` ### declaration_duplicate_module_import ``` Cannot declare a variable with the same name as an import inside ` {#snippet greeting(name)}

{message} {name}!

{/snippet} ``` ...because `greeting` references `message`, which is defined in the second `