[ { "code":"a11y-role-supports-aria-props", "end":{ "column":19, "line":2 }, "message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-setsize' is not supported by the role 'link'. This role is implicit on the element .", "start":{ "column":3, "line":2 } }, { "code":"a11y-role-supports-aria-props", "end":{ "column":18, "line":3 }, "message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-pressed' is not supported by the role 'link'. This role is implicit on the element .", "start":{ "column":6, "line":3 } }, { "code":"a11y-role-supports-aria-props", "end":{ "column":35, "line":4 }, "message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-autocomplete' is not supported by the role 'article'. This role is implicit on the element
.", "start":{ "column":9, "line":4 } }, { "code":"a11y-role-supports-aria-props", "end":{ "column":17, "line":5 }, "message":"A11y: The attribute 'aria-modal' is not supported by the role 'complementary'. This role is implicit on the element