import svelte_config from '@sveltejs/eslint-config';
import lube from 'eslint-plugin-lube';

const no_compiler_imports = {
	meta: {
		type: /** @type {const} */ ('problem'),
		docs: {
				'Enforce that there are no imports to the compiler in runtime code. ' +
				'This prevent accidental inclusion of the compiler runtime and ' +
				"ensures that TypeScript does not pick up more ambient types (for example from Node) that shouldn't be available in the browser."
	create(context) {
		return {
			Program: () => {
				// Do a simple string search because ESLint doesn't provide a way to check JSDoc comments.
				// The string search could in theory yield false positives, but in practice it's unlikely.
				const text = context.sourceCode.getText();
				const idx = Math.max(text.indexOf('../compiler/'), text.indexOf('#compiler'));
				if (idx !== -1) {{
						loc: {
							start: context.sourceCode.getLocFromIndex(idx),
							end: context.sourceCode.getLocFromIndex(idx + 12)
							'References to compiler code are forbidden in runtime code (both for type and value imports)'

/** @type {import('eslint').Linter.FlatConfig[]} */
export default [
		languageOptions: {
			parserOptions: {
				project: true
		plugins: {
			custom: { rules: { no_compiler_imports } }
		rules: {
			'@typescript-eslint/await-thenable': 'error',
			'@typescript-eslint/prefer-promise-reject-errors': 'error',
			'@typescript-eslint/require-await': 'error',
			'no-console': 'error',
			'lube/svelte-naming-convention': ['error', { fixSameNames: true }],
			// eslint isn't that well-versed with JSDoc to know that `foo: /** @type{..} */ (foo)` isn't a violation of this rule, so turn it off
			'object-shorthand': 'off',
			'no-var': 'off',

			// TODO: enable these rules and run `pnpm lint:fix`
			// skipping that for now so as to avoid impacting real work
			'@stylistic/quotes': 'off',
			'@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars': 'off',
			'prefer-const': 'off'
		files: ['playgrounds/**/*'],
		rules: {
			'lube/svelte-naming-convention': 'off',
			'no-console': 'off'
		files: ['packages/svelte/src/**/*'],
		ignores: ['packages/svelte/src/compiler/**/*'],
		rules: {
			'custom/no_compiler_imports': 'error'
		ignores: [
			// documentation can contain invalid examples
			// contains a fork of the REPL which doesn't adhere to eslint rules
			// wasn't checked previously, reenable at some point