@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import { renderCodeToHTML, runTwoSlash, createShikiHighlighter } from 'shiki-twoslash';
import PrismJS from 'prismjs';
import 'prismjs/components/prism-bash.js';
import 'prismjs/components/prism-diff.js';
import 'prismjs/components/prism-typescript.js';
import 'prism-svelte';
import { escape, extract_frontmatter, transform } from '../markdown';
// import { render, replace_placeholders } from './render.js';
// import { parse_route_id } from '../../../../../../packages/kit/src/utils/routing.js';
import ts, { ScriptTarget } from 'typescript';
import MagicString from 'magic-string';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
import { createHash } from 'crypto';
const base = '../../site/content/docs/';
const languages = {
bash: 'bash',
env: 'bash',
html: 'html',
svelte: 'svelte',
sv: 'svelte',
js: 'javascript',
css: 'css',
diff: 'diff',
ts: 'typescript',
'': '',
* @param {string} file
export async function read_file(file) {
const match = /\d{2}-(.+)\.md/.exec(path.basename(file));
if (!match) return null;
// const markdown = replace_placeholders(fs.readFileSync(`${base}/${file}`, 'utf-8'));
const markdown = fs.readFileSync(`${base}/${file}`, 'utf-8');
const highlighter = await createShikiHighlighter({ theme: 'css-variables' });
const { metadata, body } = extract_frontmatter(markdown);
const { content, sections } = parse({
body: generate_ts_from_js(body),
code: (source, language, current) => {
const hash = createHash('sha256');
hash.update(source + language + current);
const digest = hash.digest().toString('base64').replace(/\//g, '-');
// TODO: cache
// if (fs.existsSync(`${snippet_cache}/${digest}.html`)) {
// return fs.readFileSync(`${snippet_cache}/${digest}.html`, 'utf-8');
// }
/** @type {Record<string, string>} */
const options = {};
let html = '';
source = source
.replace(/^\/\/\/ (.+?): (.+)\n/gm, (_, key, value) => {
options[key] = value;
return '';
.replace(/^([\-\+])?((?: )+)/gm, (match, prefix = '', spaces) => {
if (prefix && language !== 'diff') return match;
// for no good reason at all, marked replaces tabs with spaces
let tabs = '';
for (let i = 0; i < spaces.length; i += 4) {
tabs += ' ';
return prefix + tabs;
.replace(/\*\\\//g, '*/');
let version_class = '';
if (language === 'generated-ts' || language === 'generated-svelte') {
language = language.replace('generated-', '');
version_class = 'ts-version';
} else if (language === 'original-js' || language === 'original-svelte') {
language = language.replace('original-', '');
version_class = 'js-version';
// TODO: Replace later
html = highlighter.codeToHtml(source, { lang: languages[language] });
// if (language === 'dts') {
// // @ts-ignore
// html = renderCodeToHTML(source, 'ts', { twoslash: false }, {}, highlighter);
// } else if (language === 'js' || language === 'ts') {
// try {
// const injected = [];
// if (
// source.includes('$app/') ||
// source.includes('$service-worker') ||
// source.includes('@sveltejs/kit/')
// ) {
// injected.push(
// `// @filename: ambient-kit.d.ts`,
// `/// <reference types="@sveltejs/kit" />`
// );
// }
// if (source.includes('$env/')) {
// // TODO we're hardcoding static env vars that are used in code examples
// // in the types, which isn't... totally ideal, but will do for now
// injected.push(
// `declare module '$env/dynamic/private' { export const env: Record<string, string> }`,
// `declare module '$env/dynamic/public' { export const env: Record<string, string> }`,
// `declare module '$env/static/private' { export const API_KEY: string }`,
// `declare module '$env/static/public' { export const PUBLIC_BASE_URL: string }`
// );
// }
// if (source.includes('./$types') && !source.includes('@filename: $types.d.ts')) {
// const params = parse_route_id(options.file || `+page.${language}`)
// .params.map((param) => `${param.name}: string`)
// .join(', ');
// injected.push(
// `// @filename: $types.d.ts`,
// `import type * as Kit from '@sveltejs/kit';`,
// `export type PageLoad = Kit.Load<{${params}}>;`,
// `export type PageServerLoad = Kit.ServerLoad<{${params}}>;`,
// `export type LayoutLoad = Kit.Load<{${params}}>;`,
// `export type LayoutServerLoad = Kit.ServerLoad<{${params}}>;`,
// `export type RequestHandler = Kit.RequestHandler<{${params}}>;`,
// `export type Action = Kit.Action<{${params}}>;`,
// `export type Actions = Kit.Actions<{${params}}>;`
// );
// }
// // special case — we need to make allowances for code snippets coming
// // from e.g. ambient.d.ts
// if (file.endsWith('30-modules.md')) {
// injected.push('// @errors: 7006 7031');
// }
// // another special case
// if (source.includes('$lib/types')) {
// injected.push(`declare module '$lib/types' { export interface User {} }`);
// }
// if (injected.length) {
// const injected_str = injected.join('\n');
// if (source.includes('// @filename:')) {
// source = source.replace('// @filename:', `${injected_str}\n\n// @filename:`);
// } else {
// source = source.replace(
// /^(?!\/\/ @)/m,
// `${injected_str}\n\n// @filename: index.${language}\n// ---cut---\n`
// );
// }
// }
// const twoslash = runTwoSlash(source, language, {
// defaultCompilerOptions: {
// allowJs: true,
// checkJs: true,
// target: 'es2021',
// },
// });
// html = renderCodeToHTML(
// twoslash.code,
// 'ts',
// { twoslash: true },
// {},
// highlighter,
// twoslash
// );
// } catch (e) {
// console.error(`Error compiling snippet in ${file}`);
// console.error(e.code);
// throw e;
// }
// // we need to be able to inject the LSP attributes as HTML, not text, so we
// // turn < into &lt;
// html = html.replace(
// /<data-lsp lsp='([^']*)'([^>]*)>(\w+)<\/data-lsp>/g,
// (match, lsp, attrs, name) => {
// if (!lsp) return name;
// return `<data-lsp lsp='${lsp.replace(/&/g, '&')}'${attrs}>${name}</data-lsp>`;
// }
// );
// // preserve blank lines in output (maybe there's a more correct way to do this?)
// html = html.replace(/<div class='line'><\/div>/g, '<div class="line"> </div>');
// } else if (language === 'diff') {
// const lines = source.split('\n').map((content) => {
// let type = null;
// if (/^[\+\-]/.test(content)) {
// type = content[0] === '+' ? 'inserted' : 'deleted';
// content = content.slice(1);
// }
// return {
// type,
// content: escape(content),
// };
// });
// html = `<pre class="language-diff"><code>${lines
// .map((line) => {
// if (line.type) return `<span class="${line.type}">${line.content}\n</span>`;
// return line.content + '\n';
// })
// .join('')}</code></pre>`;
// } else {
// const plang = languages[language];
// const highlighted = plang
// ? PrismJS.highlight(source, PrismJS.languages[plang], language)
// : source.replace(/[&<>]/g, (c) => ({ '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>' }[c]));
// html = `<pre class='language-${plang}'><code>${highlighted}</code></pre>`;
// }
if (options.file) {
html = `<div class="code-block"><span class="filename">${options.file}</span>${html}</div>`;
if (version_class) {
html = html.replace(/class=('|")/, `class=$1${version_class} `);
// type_regex.lastIndex = 0;
html = html
// .replace(type_regex, (match, prefix, name) => {
// if (options.link === 'false' || name === current) {
// // we don't want e.g. RequestHandler to link to RequestHandler
// return match;
// }
// const link = `<a href="${type_links.get(name)}">${name}</a>`;
// return `${prefix || ''}${link}`;
// })
/^(\s+)<span class="token comment">([\s\S]+?)<\/span>\n/gm,
(match, intro_whitespace, content) => {
// we use some CSS trickery to make comments break onto multiple lines while preserving indentation
const lines = (intro_whitespace + content).split('\n');
return lines
.map((line) => {
const match = /^(\s*)(.*)/.exec(line);
const indent = (match[1] ?? '').replace(/\t/g, ' ').length;
return `<span class="token comment wrapped" style="--indent: ${indent}ch">${
line ?? ''
.replace(/\/\*…\*\//g, '…');
// fs.writeFileSync(`${snippet_cache}/${digest}.html`, html);
return html;
codespan: (text) => {
return (
'<code>' +
text +
// text.replace(type_regex, (match, prefix, name) => {
// const link = `<a href="${type_links.get(name)}">${name}</a>`;
// return `${prefix || ''}${link}`;
// }) +
return {
slug: match[1],
title: metadata.title,
/** @param {string} title */
export function slugify(title) {
return title
.replace(/</g, '')
.replace(/>/g, '')
.replace(/[^a-z0-9-$]/g, '-')
.replace(/-{2,}/g, '-')
.replace(/^-/, '')
.replace(/-$/, '');
* @param {{
* file: string;
* body: string;
* code: (source: string, language: string, current: string) => string;
* codespan: (source: string) => string;
* }} opts
function parse({ file, body, code, codespan }) {
const headings = [];
/** @type {import('./types').Section[]} */
const sections = [];
/** @type {import('./types').Section} */
let section;
// this is a bit hacky, but it allows us to prevent type declarations
// from linking to themselves
let current = '';
/** @type {string} */
const content = transform(body, {
* @param {string} html
* @param {number} level
heading(html, level) {
const title = html
.replace(/<\/?code>/g, '')
.replace(/"/g, '"')
.replace(/</g, '<')
.replace(/>/g, '>');
current = title;
const normalized = slugify(title);
headings[level - 1] = normalized;
headings.length = level;
const slug = headings.filter(Boolean).join('-');
// TODO: All this will need to change when headings in documentation are restructured to be h2+ instead of h3+ as they are right now
if (level === 3) {
section = {
sections: [],
} else if (level === 4 || level === 5) {
(section?.sections ?? sections).push({
} else {
throw new Error(`Unexpected <h${level}> in ${file}`);
return `<h${
level - 1
} id="${slug}">${html}<a href="#${slug}" class="permalink"><span class="visually-hidden">permalink</span></a></h${level}>`;
code: (source, language) => code(source, language, current),
return {
export function generate_ts_from_js(markdown) {
return markdown
.replaceAll(/```js\n([\s\S]+?)\n```/g, (match, code) => {
if (!code.includes('/// file:')) {
// No named file -> assume that the code is not meant to be shown in two versions
return match;
if (code.includes('/// file: svelte.config.js')) {
// svelte.config.js has no TS equivalent
return match;
const ts = convert_to_ts(code);
if (!ts) {
// No changes -> don't show TS version
return match;
return match.replace('js', 'original-js') + '\n```generated-ts\n' + ts + '\n```';
.replaceAll(/```svelte\n([\s\S]+?)\n```/g, (match, code) => {
if (!code.includes('/// file:')) {
// No named file -> assume that the code is not meant to be shown in two versions
return match;
// Assumption: no context="module" blocks
const script = code.match(/<script>([\s\S]+?)<\/script>/);
if (!script) return match;
const [outer, inner] = script;
const ts = convert_to_ts(inner, '\t', '\n');
if (!ts) {
// No changes -> don't show TS version
return match;
return (
match.replace('svelte', 'original-svelte') +
'\n```generated-svelte\n' +
code.replace(outer, `<script lang="ts">${ts}</script>`) +
* Transforms a JS code block into a TS code block by turning JSDoc into type annotations.
* Due to pragmatism only the cases currently used in the docs are implemented.
* @param {string} js_code
* @param {string} [indent]
* @param {string} [offset]
* */
function convert_to_ts(js_code, indent = '', offset = '') {
js_code = js_code
.replaceAll('// @filename: index.js', '// @filename: index.ts')
.replace(/(\/\/\/ .+?\.)js/, '$1ts')
// *\/ appears in some JsDoc comments in d.ts files due to the JSDoc-in-JSDoc problem
.replace(/\*\\\//g, '*/');
const ast = ts.createSourceFile(
const code = new MagicString(js_code);
const imports = new Map();
function walk(node) {
// @ts-ignore
if (node.jsDoc) {
// @ts-ignore
for (const comment of node.jsDoc) {
let modified = false;
for (const tag of comment.tags ?? []) {
if (ts.isJSDocTypeTag(tag)) {
const [name, generics] = get_type_info(tag);
if (ts.isFunctionDeclaration(node)) {
const is_export = node.modifiers?.some(
(modifier) => modifier.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword
? 'export '
: '';
const is_async = node.modifiers?.some(
(modifier) => modifier.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword
`${is_export ? 'export ' : ''}const ${node.name.getText()} = (${
is_async ? 'async ' : ''
code.appendLeft(node.body.getStart(), '=> ');
const type = generics !== undefined ? `${name}${generics}` : name;
code.appendLeft(node.body.getEnd(), `) satisfies ${type};`);
modified = true;
} else if (
ts.isVariableStatement(node) &&
node.declarationList.declarations.length === 1
) {
const variable_statement = node.declarationList.declarations[0];
if (variable_statement.name.getText() === 'actions') {
code.appendLeft(variable_statement.getEnd(), ` satisfies ${name}`);
} else {
code.appendLeft(variable_statement.name.getEnd(), `: ${name}`);
modified = true;
} else {
throw new Error('Unhandled @type JsDoc->TS conversion: ' + js_code);
} else if (ts.isJSDocParameterTag(tag) && ts.isFunctionDeclaration(node)) {
if (node.parameters.length !== 1) {
throw new Error(
'Unhandled @type JsDoc->TS conversion; needs more params logic: ' + node.getText()
const [name] = get_type_info(tag);
code.appendLeft(node.parameters[0].getEnd(), `: ${name}`);
modified = true;
if (modified) {
code.overwrite(comment.getStart(), comment.getEnd(), '');
ts.forEachChild(node, walk);
if (imports.size) {
const import_statements = Array.from(imports.entries())
.map(([from, names]) => {
return `${indent}import type { ${Array.from(names).join(', ')} } from '${from}';`;
const idxOfLastImport = [...ast.statements]
.find((statement) => ts.isImportDeclaration(statement))
const insertion_point = Math.max(
idxOfLastImport ? idxOfLastImport + 1 : 0,
? js_code.indexOf('\n', js_code.indexOf('---cut---')) + 1
: js_code.includes('/// file:')
? js_code.indexOf('\n', js_code.indexOf('/// file:')) + 1
: 0
code.appendLeft(insertion_point, offset + import_statements + '\n');
const transformed = code.toString();
return transformed === js_code ? undefined : transformed.replace(/\n\s*\n\s*\n/g, '\n\n');
/** @param {ts.JSDocTypeTag | ts.JSDocParameterTag} tag */
function get_type_info(tag) {
const type_text = tag.typeExpression.getText();
let name = type_text.slice(1, -1); // remove { }
const import_match = /import\('(.+?)'\)\.(\w+)(<{?[\n\* \w:;,]+}?>)?/.exec(type_text);
if (import_match) {
const [, from, _name, generics] = import_match;
name = _name;
const existing = imports.get(from);
if (existing) {
} else {
imports.set(from, new Set([name]));
if (generics !== undefined) {
return [
.replaceAll('*', '') // get rid of JSDoc asterisks
.replace(' }>', '}>'), // unindent closing brace
return [name];