This change re-words some of the prose so that the label syntax is spoken of in _unfamiliar_ terms rather than _alien_ as it is valid syntax and not some svelte-specific feature/functionality.
> Don't worry if this looks a little alien. It's valid (if unconventional) JavaScript, which Svelte interprets to mean 're-run this code whenever any of the referenced values change'. Once you get used to it, there's no going back.
> Don't worry if this looks unfamiliar. It's valid JavaScript, which Svelte interprets to mean 're-run this code whenever any of the referenced values change'. Once you get used to it, there's no going back. For those that are curious, `$:` is [label syntax](
Let's use `doubled` in our markup:
@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ Let's use `doubled` in our markup:
<p>{count} doubled is {doubled}</p>
Of course, you could just write `{count * 2}` in the markup instead — you don't have to use reactive values. Reactive values become particularly valuable when you need to reference them multiple times, or you have values that depend on *other* reactive values.
Of course, you could just write `{count * 2}` in the markup instead — you don't have to use reactive values. Reactive values become particularly valuable when you need to reference them multiple times, or you have values that depend on *other* reactive values.