@ -203,41 +203,7 @@ To run side-effects like logging or analytics whenever some specific values chan
<p>{count} doubled is {doubled}</p>
An effect only reruns when the object it reads changes, not when a property inside it changes. If you want to react to _any_ change inside an object for inspection purposes at dev time, you may want to use [`inspect`](#inspect).
let object = $state({ count: 0 });
let derived_object = $derived({
doubled: object.count * 2
$effect(() => {
// never reruns, because object does not change,
// only its property changes
$effect(() => {
// reruns, because object.count changes
$effect(() => {
// reruns, because $derived produces a new object on each rerun
<buttonon:click={()=> object.count++}>
<p>{count} doubled is {doubled}</p>
> `$effect` tracks updates _shallowly_ — if `user.name` changes, for example, something that only reads `user` will not re-run (unless the `name` property is read as a result of e.g. logging or JSON serialisation). The [`$inspect`](#inspect) rune, by contrast, tracks updates _deeply_.
You can return a function from `$effect`, which will run immediately before the effect re-runs, and before it is destroyed.