This allows you to (for example) add things like subscriptions without causing memory leaks, by putting them in child effects. Here's a `readable` function that listens to changes from a callback function as long as it's inside a tracking context:
// ...invoke the function and listen to changes to update state
stop = start((fn) => (value = fn(value)));
// The return callback is called once a listener unlistens
return () => {
tick().then(() => {
// If it was the last subscriber...
if (subscribers === 0) {
// ...stop listening to changes
stop = null;
return value;
It is used to implement abstractions like [`createSubscriber`](/docs/svelte/svelte-reactivity#createSubscriber), which will create listeners to update reactive values but _only_ if those values are being tracked (rather than, for example, read inside an event handler).