@ -11,11 +11,10 @@ import Stylesheet from './css/Stylesheet';
import { test } from '../config';
import Fragment from './nodes/Fragment';
import internal_exports from './internal-exports';
import { Node, Ast, CompileOptions } from '../interfaces';
import { Node, Ast, CompileOptions, Var } from '../interfaces';
import error from '../utils/error';
import getCodeFrame from '../utils/getCodeFrame';
import flattenReference from '../utils/flattenReference';
import addToSet from '../utils/addToSet';
import isReference from 'is-reference';
import TemplateScope from './nodes/shared/TemplateScope';
import fuzzymatch from '../utils/fuzzymatch';
@ -56,31 +55,22 @@ export default class Component {
namespace: string;
tag: string;
instance_script: Node;
module_script: Node;
vars: Var[] = [];
var_lookup: Map<string, Var> = new Map();
imports: Node[] = [];
module_javascript: string;
javascript: string;
declarations: string[] = [];
props: Array<{ name: string, as: string }> = [];
writable_declarations: Set<string> = new Set();
initialised_declarations: Set<string> = new Set();
imported_declarations: Set<string> = new Set();
hoistable_names: Set<string> = new Set();
hoistable_nodes: Set<Node> = new Set();
node_for_declaration: Map<string, Node> = new Map();
module_exports: Array<{ name: string, as: string }> = [];
partly_hoisted: string[] = [];
fully_hoisted: string[] = [];
reactive_declarations: Array<{ assignees: Set<string>, dependencies: Set<string>, snippet: string }> = [];
reactive_declaration_nodes: Set<Node> = new Set();
has_reactive_assignments = false;
mutable_props: Set<string> = new Set();
indirectDependencies: Map<string, Set<string>> = new Map();
template_references: Set<string> = new Set();
file: string;
locate: (c: number) => { line: number, column: number };
@ -93,7 +83,6 @@ export default class Component {
stylesheet: Stylesheet;
userVars: Set<string> = new Set();
aliases: Map<string, string> = new Map();
usedNames: Set<string> = new Set();
@ -122,26 +111,6 @@ export default class Component {
this.stylesheet = new Stylesheet(source, ast, options.filename, options.dev);
const module_scripts = ast.js.filter(script => this.get_context(script) === 'module');
const instance_scripts = ast.js.filter(script => this.get_context(script) === 'default');
if (module_scripts.length > 1) {
this.error(module_scripts[1], {
code: `invalid-script`,
message: `A component can only have one <script context="module"> element`
if (instance_scripts.length > 1) {
this.error(instance_scripts[1], {
code: `invalid-script`,
message: `A component can only have one instance-level <script> element`
this.module_script = module_scripts[0];
this.instance_script = instance_scripts[0];
this.meta = process_meta(this, this.ast.html.children);
this.namespace = namespaces[this.meta.namespace] || this.meta.namespace;
@ -169,22 +138,43 @@ export default class Component {
if (!options.customElement) this.stylesheet.reify();
if (!this.instance_script) {
const props = [...this.template_references];
addToSet(this.mutable_props, this.template_references);
addToSet(this.writable_declarations, this.template_references);
addToSet(this.userVars, this.template_references);
add_var(variable: Var) {
// TODO remove this
if (this.var_lookup.has(variable.name)) {
throw new Error(`dupe: ${variable.name}`);
this.props = props.map(name => ({
as: name
this.var_lookup.set(variable.name, variable);
// tell the root fragment scope about all of the mutable names we know from the script
this.mutable_props.forEach(name => this.fragment.scope.mutables.add(name));
add_reference(name: string) {
const variable = this.var_lookup.get(name);
if (variable) {
variable.referenced = true;
} else if (name[0] === '$') {
injected: true,
referenced: true,
mutated: true,
writable: true
} else if (!this.ast.instance) {
export_name: name,
implicit: true,
mutated: false,
referenced: true,
writable: true
addSourcemapLocations(node: Node) {
@ -243,7 +233,10 @@ export default class Component {
this.vars.filter(variable => variable.module && variable.export_name).map(variable => ({
name: variable.name,
as: variable.export_name
@ -313,7 +306,7 @@ export default class Component {
for (
let i = 1;
reservedNames.has(alias) ||
this.userVars.has(alias) ||
this.var_lookup.has(alias) ||
alias = `${name}_${i++}`
@ -329,7 +322,7 @@ export default class Component {
this.var_lookup.forEach((value, key) => add(key));
return (name: string) => {
if (test) name = `${name}$`;
@ -396,7 +389,34 @@ export default class Component {
extract_imports_and_exports(content, imports, exports) {
extract_imports(content, is_module: boolean) {
const { code } = this;
content.body.forEach(node => {
if (node.type === 'ImportDeclaration') {
// imports need to be hoisted out of the IIFE
removeNode(code, content.start, content.end, content.body, node);
node.specifiers.forEach((specifier: Node) => {
if (specifier.local.name[0] === '$') {
this.error(specifier.local, {
code: 'illegal-declaration',
message: `The $ prefix is reserved, and cannot be used for variable and import names`
name: specifier.local.name,
module: is_module,
hoistable: true
extract_exports(content, is_module: boolean) {
const { code } = this;
content.body.forEach(node => {
@ -412,44 +432,31 @@ export default class Component {
if (node.declaration.type === 'VariableDeclaration') {
node.declaration.declarations.forEach(declarator => {
extractNames(declarator.id).forEach(name => {
exports.push({ name, as: name });
const variable = this.var_lookup.get(name);
variable.export_name = name;
} else {
const { name } = node.declaration.id;
exports.push({ name, as: name });
const variable = this.var_lookup.get(name);
variable.export_name = name;
code.remove(node.start, node.declaration.start);
} else {
removeNode(code, content.start, content.end, content.body, node);
node.specifiers.forEach(specifier => {
name: specifier.local.name,
as: specifier.exported.name
const variable = this.var_lookup.get(specifier.local.name);
// imports need to be hoisted out of the IIFE
else if (node.type === 'ImportDeclaration') {
removeNode(code, content.start, content.end, content.body, node);
node.specifiers.forEach((specifier: Node) => {
if (specifier.local.name[0] === '$') {
this.error(specifier.local, {
code: 'illegal-declaration',
message: `The $ prefix is reserved, and cannot be used for variable and import names`
if (variable) {
variable.export_name = specifier.exported.name;
} else {
// TODO what happens with `export { Math }` or some other global?
@ -491,7 +498,7 @@ export default class Component {
walk_module_js() {
const script = this.module_script;
const script = this.ast.module;
if (!script) return;
@ -506,15 +513,35 @@ export default class Component {
message: `The $ prefix is reserved, and cannot be used for variable and import names`
if (!/Import/.test(node.type)) {
const kind = node.type === 'VariableDeclaration'
? node.kind
: node.type === 'ClassDeclaration'
? 'class'
: node.type === 'FunctionDeclaration'
? 'function'
: null;
// sanity check
if (!kind) throw new Error(`Unknown declaration type ${node.type}`);
module: true,
hoistable: true
this.extract_imports_and_exports(script.content, this.imports, this.module_exports);
this.extract_imports(script.content, true);
this.extract_exports(script.content, true);
remove_indentation(this.code, script.content);
this.module_javascript = this.extract_javascript(script);
walk_instance_js_pre_template() {
const script = this.instance_script;
const script = this.ast.instance;
if (!script) return;
@ -530,28 +557,56 @@ export default class Component {
message: `The $ prefix is reserved, and cannot be used for variable and import names`
instance_scope.declarations.forEach((node, name) => {
if (!/Import/.test(node.type)) {
const kind = node.type === 'VariableDeclaration'
? node.kind
: node.type === 'ClassDeclaration'
? 'class'
: node.type === 'FunctionDeclaration'
? 'function'
: null;
this.node_for_declaration.set(name, node);
// sanity check
if (!kind) throw new Error(`Unknown declaration type ${node.type}`);
initialised: instance_scope.initialised_declarations.has(name),
writable: kind === 'var' || kind === 'let'
this.writable_declarations = instance_scope.writable_declarations;
this.initialised_declarations = instance_scope.initialised_declarations;
this.node_for_declaration.set(name, node);
globals.forEach(name => {
if (this.module_scope && this.module_scope.declarations.has(name)) return;
if (name[0] === '$') {
injected: true,
mutated: true,
writable: true
} else {
global: true
this.extract_imports(script.content, false);
this.extract_exports(script.content, false);
this.extract_imports_and_exports(script.content, this.imports, this.props);
walk_instance_js_post_template() {
const script = this.instance_script;
const script = this.ast.instance;
if (!script) return;
@ -563,17 +618,23 @@ export default class Component {
// TODO merge this with other walks that are independent
track_mutations() {
const component = this;
let { instance_scope: scope, instance_scope_map: map } = this;
const { instance_scope, instance_scope_map: map } = this;
let scope = instance_scope;
walk(this.instance_script.content, {
walk(this.ast.instance.content, {
enter(node, parent) {
let names;
if (map.has(node)) {
scope = map.get(node);
let names;
let deep = false;
if (node.type === 'AssignmentExpression') {
names = node.left.type === 'MemberExpression'
deep = node.left.type === 'MemberExpression';
names = deep
? [getObject(node.left).name]
: extractNames(node.left);
} else if (node.type === 'UpdateExpression') {
@ -582,9 +643,18 @@ export default class Component {
if (names) {
names.forEach(name => {
if (scope.has(name)) component.mutable_props.add(name);
if (scope.findOwner(name) === instance_scope) {
const variable = component.var_lookup.get(name);
variable[deep ? 'mutated' : 'reassigned'] = true;
leave(node) {
if (map.has(node)) {
scope = scope.parent;
@ -595,7 +665,7 @@ export default class Component {
const component = this;
let { instance_scope: scope, instance_scope_map: map } = this;
walk(this.instance_script.content, {
walk(this.ast.instance.content, {
enter(node, parent) {
if (map.has(node)) {
scope = map.get(node);
@ -607,9 +677,6 @@ export default class Component {
if (name[0] === '$' && !scope.has(name)) {
component.warn_if_undefined(object, null);
// cheeky hack
@ -627,17 +694,10 @@ export default class Component {
const { code, instance_scope, instance_scope_map: map, meta } = this;
let scope = instance_scope;
// TODO we will probably end up wanting to use this elsewhere
const exported = new Set();
this.props.forEach(prop => {
const coalesced_declarations = [];
let current_group;
walk(this.instance_script.content, {
walk(this.ast.instance.content, {
enter(node, parent) {
if (/Function/.test(node.type)) {
current_group = null;
@ -650,14 +710,15 @@ export default class Component {
if (node.type === 'VariableDeclaration') {
if (node.kind === 'var' || scope === instance_scope) {
let has_meta_props = false;
let has_exports = false;
let has_only_exports = true;
node.declarations.forEach(declarator => {
extractNames(declarator.id).forEach(name => {
const variable = component.var_lookup.get(name);
if (name === meta.props_object) {
if (exported.has(name)) {
if (variable.export_name) {
component.error(declarator, {
code: 'exported-meta-props',
message: `Cannot export props binding`
@ -676,11 +737,9 @@ export default class Component {
} else {
code.overwrite(declarator.id.end, declarator.end, ' = $$props');
has_meta_props = true;
if (exported.has(name)) {
if (variable.export_name) {
has_exports = true;
} else {
has_only_exports = false;
@ -724,7 +783,6 @@ export default class Component {
coalesced_declarations.forEach(group => {
const kind = group[0].kind;
let c = 0;
let combining = false;
@ -764,16 +822,16 @@ export default class Component {
// reference instance variables other than other
// hoistable functions. TODO others?
const { hoistable_names, hoistable_nodes, imported_declarations, instance_scope: scope } = this;
const template_scope = this.fragment.scope;
const { hoistable_nodes, var_lookup } = this;
const top_level_function_declarations = new Map();
this.instance_script.content.body.forEach(node => {
this.ast.instance.content.body.forEach(node => {
if (node.type === 'VariableDeclaration') {
if (node.declarations.every(d => d.init && d.init.type === 'Literal' && !this.mutable_props.has(d.id.name) && !template_scope.containsMutable([d.id.name]))) {
if (node.declarations.every(d => d.init && d.init.type === 'Literal' && !this.var_lookup.get(d.id.name).reassigned)) {
node.declarations.forEach(d => {
const variable = this.var_lookup.get(d.id.name);
variable.hoistable = true;
@ -823,8 +881,9 @@ export default class Component {
else if (owner === instance_scope) {
if (name === fn_declaration.id.name) return;
if (hoistable_names.has(name)) return;
if (imported_declarations.has(name)) return;
const variable = var_lookup.get(name);
if (variable.hoistable) return;
if (top_level_function_declarations.has(name)) {
const other_declaration = top_level_function_declarations.get(name);
@ -860,7 +919,8 @@ export default class Component {
for (const [name, node] of top_level_function_declarations) {
if (!checked.has(node) && is_hoistable(node)) {
const variable = this.var_lookup.get(name);
variable.hoistable = true;
remove_indentation(this.code, node);
@ -875,7 +935,7 @@ export default class Component {
const unsorted_reactive_declarations = [];
this.instance_script.content.body.forEach(node => {
this.ast.instance.content.body.forEach(node => {
if (node.type === 'LabeledStatement' && node.label.name === '$') {
@ -899,7 +959,7 @@ export default class Component {
const object = getObject(node);
const { name } = object;
if (name[0] === '$' || component.declarations.indexOf(name) !== -1) {
if (name[0] === '$' || component.var_lookup.has(name)) {
@ -982,11 +1042,12 @@ export default class Component {
qualify(name) {
if (this.hoistable_names.has(name)) return name;
if (this.imported_declarations.has(name)) return name;
if (this.declarations.indexOf(name) === -1) return name;
const variable = this.var_lookup.get(name);
if (!variable) return name;
if (variable && variable.hoistable) return name;
this.template_references.add(name); // TODO we can probably remove most other occurrences of this
this.add_reference(name); // TODO we can probably remove most other occurrences of this
return `ctx.${name}`;
@ -998,7 +1059,7 @@ export default class Component {
this.has_reactive_assignments = true;
if (allow_implicit && !this.instance_script) return;
if (allow_implicit && !this.ast.instance && !this.ast.module) return;
if (this.instance_scope && this.instance_scope.declarations.has(name)) return;
if (this.module_scope && this.module_scope.declarations.has(name)) return;
if (template_scope && template_scope.names.has(name)) return;
@ -1009,29 +1070,6 @@ export default class Component {
message: `'${name}' is not defined`
get_context(script) {
const context = script.attributes.find(attribute => attribute.name === 'context');
if (!context) return 'default';
if (context.value.length !== 1 || context.value[0].type !== 'Text') {
this.error(script, {
code: 'invalid-script',
message: `context attribute must be static`
const value = context.value[0].data;
if (value !== 'module') {
this.error(context, {
code: `invalid-script`,
message: `If the context attribute is supplied, its value must be "module"`
return value;
function process_meta(component, nodes) {