diff --git a/site/content/docs/01-getting-started.md b/site/content/docs/01-getting-started.md index 03dfb4bbcf..2362925beb 100644 --- a/site/content/docs/01-getting-started.md +++ b/site/content/docs/01-getting-started.md @@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ npm run dev SvelteKit will handle calling [the Svelte compiler](https://www.npmjs.com/package/svelte) to convert your `.svelte` files into `.js` files that create the DOM and `.css` files that style it. It also provides all the other pieces you need to build a web application such as a development server, routing, and deployment. [SvelteKit](https://kit.svelte.dev/) utilizes [Vite](https://vitejs.dev/) to build your code and handle server-side rendering (SSR). There are [plugins for all the major web bundlers](https://sveltesociety.dev/tools#bundling) to handle Svelte compilation, which will output `.js` and `.css` that you can insert into your HTML, but most others won't handle SSR. +If you don't need a full-fledged app framework and instead want to build a simple frontend-only site/app, you can also use Svelte (without Kit) with Vite by running `npm init vite` and selecting the `svelte` option. With this, `npm run build` will generate HTML, JS and CSS files inside the `dist` directory. + The Svelte team maintains a [VS Code extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=svelte.svelte-vscode) and there are integrations with various other [editors](https://sveltesociety.dev/tools#editor-support) and tools as well. If you're having trouble, get help on [Discord](https://svelte.dev/chat) or [StackOverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/svelte).