@ -424,12 +424,6 @@ Imports of `svelte/internal/*` are forbidden. It contains private runtime code w
The arguments keyword cannot be used within the template or at the top level of a component
### invalid_bind_directive
Bind directive getter/setter values (`bind:thing={ getter, setter }`) must be two JavaScript expressions separated by a single comma and enclosed in curly braces
In this case, we could make the code simpler by moving the checkbox inputs into an `each` block. First, add a `menu` variable to the `<script>` block...
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ let menu = ['Cookies and cream', 'Mint choc chip', 'Raspberry ripple'];
@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ Elements with the `contenteditable` attribute support the following bindings:
There are slight differences between each of these, read more about them [here](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/textContent#Differences_from_innerText).
The readonly `this` binding applies to every element (and component) and allows you to obtain a reference to rendered elements. For example, we can get a reference to a `<canvas>` element:
<canvasbind:thiscanvas} width={32}height={32}/>
<canvasbind:this={canvas} width={32}height={32}/>
Note that the value of `canvas` will be `undefined` until the component has mounted, so we put the logic inside the `onMount` [lifecycle function](/tutorial/onmount).
Just as you can bind to properties of DOM elements, you can bind to component props. For example, we can bind to the `value` prop of this `<Keypad>` component as though it were a form element: