@ -1,59 +1,17 @@
/** @import { ArrowFunctionExpression, AssignmentExpression, BinaryOperator, Expression, FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression, Identifier, MemberExpression, Node, Pattern, PrivateIdentifier, Statement } from 'estree' */
/** @import { ArrowFunctionExpression, Expression, FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression, Identifier, Pattern, PrivateIdentifier, Statement } from 'estree' */
/** @import { Binding, SvelteNode } from '#compiler' */
/** @import { ClientTransformState, ComponentClientTransformState, ComponentContext } from './types.js' */
/** @import { Scope } from '../../scope.js' */
import * as b from '../../../utils/builders.js';
import {
} from '../../../utils/ast.js';
import { extract_identifiers, is_simple_expression } from '../../../utils/ast.js';
import {
} from '../../../../constants.js';
import { is_ignored, dev } from '../../../state.js';
* @template {ClientTransformState} State
* @param {AssignmentExpression} node
* @param {import('zimmerframe').Context<SvelteNode, State>} context
* @returns
export function get_assignment_value(node, { state, visit }) {
if (node.left.type === 'Identifier') {
const operator = node.operator;
return operator === '='
? /** @type {Expression} */ (visit(node.right))
: // turn something like x += 1 into x = x + 1
/** @type {BinaryOperator} */ (operator.slice(0, -1)),
build_getter(node.left, state),
/** @type {Expression} */ (visit(node.right))
} else if (
node.left.type === 'MemberExpression' &&
node.left.object.type === 'ThisExpression' &&
node.left.property.type === 'PrivateIdentifier' &&
) {
const operator = node.operator;
return operator === '='
? /** @type {Expression} */ (visit(node.right))
: // turn something like x += 1 into x = x + 1
/** @type {BinaryOperator} */ (operator.slice(0, -1)),
/** @type {Expression} */ (visit(node.left)),
/** @type {Expression} */ (visit(node.right))
} else {
return /** @type {Expression} */ (visit(node.right));
import { dev } from '../../../state.js';
import { get_value } from './visitors/shared/declarations.js';
* @param {Binding} binding
@ -73,392 +31,18 @@ export function is_state_source(binding, state) {
* @returns {Expression}
export function build_getter(node, state) {
const binding = state.scope.get(node.name);
if (binding === null || node === binding.node) {
// No associated binding or the declaration itself which shouldn't be transformed
return node;
if (Object.hasOwn(state.transform, node.name)) {
const binding = state.scope.get(node.name);
if (Object.hasOwn(state.getters, node.name)) {
const getter = state.getters[node.name];
return typeof getter === 'function' ? getter(node) : getter;
if (binding.node.name === '$$props') {
// Special case for $$props which only exists in the old world
return b.id('$$sanitized_props');
if (binding.kind === 'store_sub') {
return b.call(node);
if (binding.kind === 'prop' || binding.kind === 'bindable_prop') {
if (is_prop_source(binding, state)) {
return b.call(node);
// don't transform the declaration itself
if (node !== binding?.node) {
return state.transform[node.name].read(node);
if (binding.prop_alias) {
const key = b.key(binding.prop_alias);
return b.member(b.id('$$props'), key, key.type === 'Literal');
return b.member(b.id('$$props'), node);
if (binding.kind === 'legacy_reactive_import') {
return b.call('$$_import_' + node.name);
if (
is_state_source(binding, state) ||
binding.kind === 'derived' ||
binding.kind === 'legacy_reactive'
) {
return b.call('$.get', node);
return node;
* @template {ClientTransformState} State
* @param {AssignmentExpression} node
* @param {import('zimmerframe').Context<SvelteNode, State>} context
* @param {() => any} fallback
* @param {boolean | null} [prefix] - If the assignment is a transformed update expression, set this. Else `null`
* @param {{skip_proxy_and_freeze?: boolean}} [options]
* @returns {Expression}
export function build_setter(node, context, fallback, prefix, options) {
const { state, visit } = context;
const assignee = node.left;
if (
assignee.type === 'ArrayPattern' ||
assignee.type === 'ObjectPattern' ||
assignee.type === 'RestElement'
) {
// Turn assignment into an IIFE, so that `$.set` calls etc don't produce invalid code
const tmp_id = context.state.scope.generate('tmp');
/** @type {AssignmentExpression[]} */
const original_assignments = [];
/** @type {Expression[]} */
const assignments = [];
const paths = extract_paths(assignee);
for (const path of paths) {
const value = path.expression?.(b.id(tmp_id));
const assignment = b.assignment('=', path.node, value);
assignments.push(build_setter(assignment, context, () => assignment, prefix, options));
if (assignments.every((assignment, i) => assignment === original_assignments[i])) {
// No change to output -> nothing to transform -> we can keep the original assignment
return fallback();
const rhs_expression = /** @type {Expression} */ (visit(node.right));
const iife_is_async =
is_expression_async(rhs_expression) ||
assignments.some((assignment) => is_expression_async(assignment));
const iife = b.arrow(
b.const(tmp_id, rhs_expression),
// return because it could be used in a nested expression where the value is needed.
// example: { foo: ({ bar } = { bar: 1 })}
if (iife_is_async) {
return b.await(b.call(b.async(iife)));
} else {
return b.call(iife);
if (assignee.type !== 'Identifier' && assignee.type !== 'MemberExpression') {
throw new Error(`Unexpected assignment type ${assignee.type}`);
// Handle class private/public state assignment cases
if (assignee.type === 'MemberExpression') {
if (
assignee.object.type === 'ThisExpression' &&
assignee.property.type === 'PrivateIdentifier'
) {
const private_state = context.state.private_state.get(assignee.property.name);
const value = get_assignment_value(node, context);
if (private_state !== undefined) {
if (state.in_constructor) {
// See if we should wrap value in $.proxy
if (
context.state.analysis.runes &&
!options?.skip_proxy_and_freeze &&
should_proxy_or_freeze(value, context.state.scope)
) {
const assignment = fallback();
if (assignment.type === 'AssignmentExpression') {
assignment.right =
private_state.kind === 'frozen_state'
? b.call('$.freeze', value)
: build_proxy_reassignment(value, private_state.id);
return assignment;
} else {
return b.call(
context.state.analysis.runes &&
!options?.skip_proxy_and_freeze &&
should_proxy_or_freeze(value, context.state.scope)
? private_state.kind === 'frozen_state'
? b.call('$.freeze', value)
: build_proxy_reassignment(value, private_state.id)
: value
} else if (
assignee.object.type === 'ThisExpression' &&
assignee.property.type === 'Identifier' &&
) {
const public_state = context.state.public_state.get(assignee.property.name);
const value = get_assignment_value(node, context);
// See if we should wrap value in $.proxy
if (
context.state.analysis.runes &&
public_state !== undefined &&
!options?.skip_proxy_and_freeze &&
should_proxy_or_freeze(value, context.state.scope)
) {
const assignment = fallback();
if (assignment.type === 'AssignmentExpression') {
assignment.right =
public_state.kind === 'frozen_state'
? b.call('$.freeze', value)
: build_proxy_reassignment(value, public_state.id);
return assignment;
const left = object(assignee);
if (left === null) {
return fallback();
const binding = state.scope.get(left.name);
if (!binding) return fallback();
if (Object.hasOwn(state.setters, left.name)) {
const setter = state.setters[left.name];
// @ts-expect-error
return setter(node, context);
if (binding.kind === 'legacy_reactive_import') {
return b.call(
'$$_import_' + binding.node.name,
/** @type {Pattern} */ (visit(node.left)),
/** @type {Expression} */ (visit(node.right))
* @param {any} serialized
* @returns
function maybe_skip_ownership_validation(serialized) {
if (is_ignored(node, 'ownership_invalid_mutation')) {
return b.call('$.skip_ownership_validation', b.thunk(serialized));
return serialized;
if (binding.kind === 'derived') {
return maybe_skip_ownership_validation(fallback());
const is_store = binding.kind === 'store_sub';
const left_name = is_store ? left.name.slice(1) : left.name;
if (
binding.kind !== 'state' &&
binding.kind !== 'frozen_state' &&
binding.kind !== 'prop' &&
binding.kind !== 'bindable_prop' &&
binding.kind !== 'each' &&
binding.kind !== 'legacy_reactive' &&
) {
// TODO error if it's a computed (or rest prop)? or does that already happen elsewhere?
return fallback();
const value = get_assignment_value(node, context);
const serialize = () => {
if (left === node.left) {
const is_initial_proxy =
binding.initial !== null &&
should_proxy_or_freeze(/**@type {Expression}*/ (binding.initial), context.state.scope);
if ((binding.kind === 'prop' || binding.kind === 'bindable_prop') && !is_initial_proxy) {
return b.call(left, value);
} else if (is_store) {
return b.call('$.store_set', build_getter(b.id(left_name), state), value);
} else {
let call;
if (binding.kind === 'state') {
call = b.call(
context.state.analysis.runes &&
!options?.skip_proxy_and_freeze &&
should_proxy_or_freeze(value, context.state.scope)
? build_proxy_reassignment(value, left_name)
: value
} else if (binding.kind === 'frozen_state') {
call = b.call(
context.state.analysis.runes &&
!options?.skip_proxy_and_freeze &&
should_proxy_or_freeze(value, context.state.scope)
? b.call('$.freeze', value)
: value
} else if (
(binding.kind === 'prop' || binding.kind === 'bindable_prop') &&
) {
call = b.call(
context.state.analysis.runes &&
!options?.skip_proxy_and_freeze &&
should_proxy_or_freeze(value, context.state.scope) &&
binding.kind === 'bindable_prop'
? build_proxy_reassignment(value, left_name)
: value
} else {
call = b.call('$.set', b.id(left_name), value);
if (state.scope.get(`$${left.name}`)?.kind === 'store_sub') {
return b.call('$.store_unsub', call, b.literal(`$${left.name}`), b.id('$$stores'));
} else {
return call;
} else {
if (is_store) {
// If we are assigning to a store property, we need to ensure we don't
// capture the read for the store as part of the member expression to
// keep consistency with how store $ shorthand reads work in Svelte 4.
* @param {Expression | Pattern} node
* @returns {Expression}
function visit_node(node) {
if (node.type === 'MemberExpression') {
return {
object: visit_node(/** @type {Expression} */ (node.object)),
property: /** @type {MemberExpression} */ (visit(node)).property
if (node.type === 'Identifier') {
const binding = state.scope.get(node.name);
if (binding !== null && binding.kind === 'store_sub') {
return b.call('$.untrack', b.thunk(/** @type {Expression} */ (visit(node))));
return /** @type {Expression} */ (visit(node));
return maybe_skip_ownership_validation(
build_getter(b.id(left_name), state),
b.assignment(node.operator, /** @type {Pattern}} */ (visit_node(node.left)), value),
b.call('$.untrack', b.id('$' + left_name))
} else if (
!state.analysis.runes ||
// this condition can go away once legacy mode is gone; only necessary for interop with legacy parent bindings
(binding.mutated && binding.kind === 'bindable_prop')
) {
if (binding.kind === 'bindable_prop') {
return maybe_skip_ownership_validation(
b.assignment(node.operator, /** @type {Pattern} */ (visit(node.left)), value),
} else {
return maybe_skip_ownership_validation(
b.assignment(node.operator, /** @type {Pattern} */ (visit(node.left)), value)
} else if (
node.right.type === 'Literal' &&
prefix != null &&
(node.operator === '+=' || node.operator === '-=')
) {
return maybe_skip_ownership_validation(
node.operator === '+=' ? '++' : '--',
/** @type {Expression} */ (visit(node.left)),
} else {
return maybe_skip_ownership_validation(
/** @type {Pattern} */ (visit(node.left)),
/** @type {Expression} */ (visit(node.right))
if (value.type === 'BinaryExpression' && /** @type {any} */ (value.operator) === '??') {
return b.logical('??', build_getter(b.id(left_name), state), serialize());
return serialize();
* @param {Expression} value
* @param {PrivateIdentifier | string} proxy_reference
@ -507,7 +91,7 @@ function get_hoisted_params(node, context) {
binding = /** @type {Binding} */ (scope.get(binding.node.name.slice(1)));
const expression = context.state.getters[reference];
let expression = context.state.transform[reference]?.read(b.id(binding.node.name));
if (
// If it's a destructured derived binding, then we can extract the derived signal reference and use that.
@ -706,6 +290,7 @@ export function with_loc(target, source) {
export function create_derived_block_argument(node, context) {
if (node.type === 'Identifier') {
context.state.transform[node.name] = { read: get_value };
return { id: node, declarations: null };
@ -723,6 +308,8 @@ export function create_derived_block_argument(node, context) {
const declarations = [b.var(value, create_derived(context.state, b.thunk(block)))];
for (const id of identifiers) {
context.state.transform[id.name] = { read: get_value };
b.var(id, create_derived(context.state, b.thunk(b.member(b.call('$.get', value), id))))