@ -1,191 +1,43 @@
import deindent from '../utils/deindent.js';
import deindent from '../utils/deindent.js';
import attributeLookup from '../attributes/lookup.js';
import addComponentAttributes from './attributes/addComponentAttributes.js';
import createBinding from '../binding/index.js';
import addElementAttributes from './attributes/addElementAttributes.js';
export default {
export default {
enter ( generator, node ) {
enter ( generator, node ) {
const name = generator.current.counter( node.name );
const isComponent = node.name in generator.components;
let namespace = name === 'svg' ? 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' : generator.current.namespace;
const name = generator.current.counter( isComponent ? `${node.name[0].toLowerCase()}${node.name.slice( 1 )}` : node.name );
const initStatements = [];
const local = {
namespace: name === 'svg' ? 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' : generator.current.namespace,
allUsedContexts: new Set(),
const updateStatements = [];
init: [],
const teardownStatements = [];
update: [],
teardown: []
const allUsedContexts = new Set();
node.attributes.forEach( attribute => {
if ( attribute.type === 'Attribute' ) {
let metadata = attributeLookup[ attribute.name ];
if ( metadata && metadata.appliesTo && !~metadata.appliesTo.indexOf( node.name ) ) metadata = null;
if ( attribute.value === true ) {
// attributes without values, e.g. <textarea readonly>
if ( metadata ) {
initStatements.push( deindent`
${name}.${metadata.propertyName} = true;
` );
} else {
initStatements.push( deindent`
${name}.setAttribute( '${attribute.name}', true );
` );
// special case – autofocus. has to be handled in a bit of a weird way
if ( attribute.name === 'autofocus' ) {
generator.current.autofocus = name;
else if ( attribute.value.length === 1 ) {
const value = attribute.value[0];
let result = '';
if ( value.type === 'Text' ) {
// static attributes
result = JSON.stringify( value.data );
if ( metadata ) {
initStatements.push( deindent`
${name}.${metadata.propertyName} = ${result};
` );
} else {
initStatements.push( deindent`
${name}.setAttribute( '${attribute.name}', ${result} );
` );
// special case
// TODO this attribute must be static – enforce at compile time
if ( attribute.name === 'xmlns' ) {
namespace = value;
else {
// dynamic – but potentially non-string – attributes
generator.contextualise( value.expression );
result = `[✂${value.expression.start}-${value.expression.end}✂]`;
if ( metadata ) {
updateStatements.push( deindent`
${name}.${metadata.propertyName} = ${result};
` );
} else {
updateStatements.push( deindent`
${name}.setAttribute( '${attribute.name}', ${result} );
` );
else {
const value = ( attribute.value[0].type === 'Text' ? '' : `"" + ` ) + (
attribute.value.map( chunk => {
if ( chunk.type === 'Text' ) {
return JSON.stringify( chunk.data );
} else {
generator.addSourcemapLocations( chunk.expression );
generator.contextualise( chunk.expression );
return `( [✂${chunk.expression.start}-${chunk.expression.end}✂] )`;
}).join( ' + ' )
if ( metadata ) {
updateStatements.push( deindent`
${name}.${metadata.propertyName} = ${value};
` );
} else {
updateStatements.push( deindent`
${name}.setAttribute( '${attribute.name}', ${value} );
` );
else if ( attribute.type === 'EventHandler' ) {
// TODO verify that it's a valid callee (i.e. built-in or declared method)
generator.addSourcemapLocations( attribute.expression );
generator.code.insertRight( attribute.expression.start, 'component.' );
const usedContexts = new Set();
attribute.expression.arguments.forEach( arg => {
const contexts = generator.contextualise( arg, true );
contexts.forEach( context => {
usedContexts.add( context );
allUsedContexts.add( context );
// TODO hoist event handlers? can do `this.__component.method(...)`
const declarations = [...usedContexts].map( name => {
if ( name === 'root' ) return 'var root = this.__svelte.root;';
const listName = generator.current.listNames[ name ];
const indexName = generator.current.indexNames[ name ];
return `var ${listName} = this.__svelte.${listName}, ${indexName} = this.__svelte.${indexName}, ${name} = ${listName}[${indexName}]`;
const handlerName = generator.current.counter( `${attribute.name}Handler` );
if ( isComponent ) {
const handlerBody = ( declarations.length ? declarations.join( '\n' ) + '\n\n' : '' ) + `[✂${attribute.expression.start}-${attribute.expression.end}✂];`;
addComponentAttributes( generator, node, local );
if ( attribute.name in generator.events ) {
local.init.unshift( deindent`
initStatements.push( deindent`
var ${name} = new template.components.${node.name}({
const ${handlerName} = template.events.${attribute.name}( ${name}, function ( event ) {
target: ${generator.current.target}
` );
` );
teardownStatements.push( deindent`
local.teardown.push( `${name}.teardown();` );
` );
} else {
initStatements.push( deindent`
function ${handlerName} ( event ) {
${name}.addEventListener( '${attribute.name}', ${handlerName}, false );
` );
teardownStatements.push( deindent`
${name}.removeEventListener( '${attribute.name}', ${handlerName}, false );
` );
else if ( attribute.type === 'Binding' ) {
createBinding( node, name, attribute, generator.current, initStatements, updateStatements, teardownStatements, allUsedContexts );
else if ( attribute.type === 'Ref' ) {
generator.usesRefs = true;
initStatements.push( deindent`
component.refs.${attribute.name} = ${name};
` );
teardownStatements.push( deindent`
component.refs.${attribute.name} = null;
` );
else {
else {
throw new Error( `Not implemented: ${attribute.type}` );
addElementAttributes( generator, node, local );
if ( allUsedContexts.size ) {
if ( local.allUsedContexts.size ) {
initStatements.push( deindent`
local.init.push( deindent`
${name}.__svelte = {};
${name}.__svelte = {};
` );
` );
const declarations = [...allUsedContexts].map( contextName => {
const declarations = [...local.allUsedContexts].map( contextName => {
if ( contextName === 'root' ) return `${name}.__svelte.root = root;`;
if ( contextName === 'root' ) return `${name}.__svelte.root = root;`;
const listName = generator.current.listNames[ contextName ];
const listName = generator.current.listNames[ contextName ];
@ -194,23 +46,25 @@ export default {
return `${name}.__svelte.${listName} = ${listName};\n${name}.__svelte.${indexName} = ${indexName};`;
return `${name}.__svelte.${listName} = ${listName};\n${name}.__svelte.${indexName} = ${indexName};`;
}).join( '\n' );
}).join( '\n' );
updateStatements.push( declarations );
local.update.push( declarations );
namespace ?
local.namespace ?
`var ${name} = document.createElementNS( '${namespace}', '${node.name}' );` :
`var ${name} = document.createElementNS( '${local.namespace}', '${node.name}' );` :
`var ${name} = document.createElement( '${node.name}' );`
`var ${name} = document.createElement( '${node.name}' );`
teardownStatements.push( `${name}.parentNode.removeChild( ${name} );` );
local.teardown.push( `${name}.parentNode.removeChild( ${name} );` );
generator.current.initStatements.push( initStatements.join( '\n' ) );
generator.current.initStatements.push( local.init.join( '\n' ) );
if ( updateStatements.length ) generator.current.updateStatements.push( updateStatements.join( '\n' ) );
if ( local.update.length ) generator.current.updateStatements.push( local.update.join( '\n' ) );
generator.current.teardownStatements.push( teardownStatements.join( '\n' ) );
generator.current.teardownStatements.push( local.teardown.join( '\n' ) );
generator.current = Object.assign( {}, generator.current, {
generator.current = Object.assign( {}, generator.current, {
namespace: local.namespace,
target: name,
target: name,
parent: generator.current
parent: generator.current
@ -218,9 +72,12 @@ export default {
leave ( generator ) {
leave ( generator ) {
const name = generator.current.target;
const name = generator.current.target;
const isComponent = generator.current.isComponent;
generator.current = generator.current.parent;
generator.current = generator.current.parent;
if ( isComponent ) return;
if ( generator.current.useAnchor && generator.current.target === 'target' ) {
if ( generator.current.useAnchor && generator.current.target === 'target' ) {
generator.current.initStatements.push( deindent`
generator.current.initStatements.push( deindent`
anchor.parentNode.insertBefore( ${name}, anchor );
anchor.parentNode.insertBefore( ${name}, anchor );