@ -74,10 +74,9 @@ export default function dom(
const builder = new CodeBuilder();
const computationBuilder = new CodeBuilder();
if (computations.length) {
const computationBuilder = new CodeBuilder();
computations.forEach(({ key, deps }) => {
if (generator.readonly.has(key)) {
// <:Window> bindings
@ -88,48 +87,18 @@ export default function dom(
const condition = `isInitial || ${deps
dep =>
`( '${dep}' in newState && @differs( state.${dep}, oldState.${dep} ) )`
.join(' || ')}`;
const statement = `state.${key} = newState.${key} = @template.computed.${key}( ${deps
const condition = `isInitial || ${deps.map(dep =>
`( '${dep}' in changed )`
).join(' || ')}`;
const statement = `if ( @differs( ( state.${key} = @template.computed.${key}( ${deps
.map(dep => `state.${dep}`)
.join(', ')} );`;
.join(', ')} ) ), oldState.${key} ) ) changed.${key} = true;`;
computationBuilder.addConditionalLine(condition, statement);
function @recompute ( state, newState, oldState, isInitial ) {
const _set = deindent`
${options.dev &&
if ( typeof newState !== 'object' ) {
throw new Error( 'Component .set was called without an object of data key-values to update.' );
prop =>
`if ( '${prop}' in newState && !this._updatingReadonlyProperty ) throw new Error( "Cannot set read-only property '${prop}'" );`
var oldState = this._state;
this._state = @assign( {}, oldState, newState );
${computations.length &&
`@recompute( this._state, newState, oldState, false )`}
@dispatchObservers( this, this._observers.pre, newState, oldState );
${block.hasUpdateMethod && `this._fragment.update( newState, this._state );`}
@dispatchObservers( this, this._observers.post, newState, oldState );
if (hasJs) {
@ -174,7 +143,7 @@ export default function dom(
? `@proto `
: deindent`
${['destroy', 'get', 'fire', 'observe', 'on', 'set', 'teardown']
${['destroy', 'get', 'fire', 'observe', 'on', 'set', '_set', 'teardown']
.map(n => `${n}: @${n === 'teardown' ? 'destroy' : n}`)
@ -190,7 +159,7 @@ export default function dom(
? `@assign( @template.data(), options.data )`
: `options.data || {}`};
${computations.length && `@recompute( this._state, this._state, {}, true );`}
${computations.length && `this._recompute( {}, this._state, {}, true );`}
${options.dev &&
prop =>
@ -259,9 +228,20 @@ export default function dom(
@assign( ${prototypeBase}, ${proto});
${name}.prototype._set = function _set ( newState ) {
${options.dev && deindent`
${name}.prototype._checkReadOnly = function _checkReadOnly ( newState ) {
prop =>
`if ( '${prop}' in newState && !this._updatingReadonlyProperty ) throw new Error( "Cannot set read-only property '${prop}'" );`
${computations.length ? deindent`
${name}.prototype._recompute = function _recompute ( changed, state, oldState, isInitial ) {
` : (!sharedPath && `${name}.prototype._recompute = @noop;`)}
${templateProperties.setup && `@template.setup( ${name} );`}