@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ let { a, b, c, ...everythingElse }: MyProps = $props();
> ...TypeScript [widens the type](https://www.typescriptlang.org/play?#code/CYUwxgNghgTiAEAzArgOzAFwJYHtXwBIAHGHIgZwB4AVeAXnilQE8A+ACgEoAueagbgBQgiCAzwA3vAAe9eABYATPAC+c4qQqUp03uQwwsqAOaqOnIfCsB6a-AB6AfiA) of `x` to be `string | number`, instead of erroring.
Props cannot be mutated, unless the parent component uses `bind:`. During development, attempts to mutate props will result in an error.
Props declared with `$props()` cannot be mutated, and you cannot `bind:` to them in the parent. To declare props as bindable, use [`$props.bindable()`](#propsbindable).
### What this replaces
@ -479,6 +479,10 @@ Props cannot be mutated, unless the parent component uses `bind:`. During develo
Note that you can still use `export const` and `export function` to expose things to users of your component (if they're using `bind:this`, for example).
### `$props.bindable()`
To declare props as bindable, use `$props.bindable()`. Besides using them as regular props, the parent can then also `bind:` to these props. Works exactly like `$props()`. During development, attempts to mutate these props will result in a warning, unless the parent did `bind:` them.
## `$inspect`
The `$inspect` rune is roughly equivalent to `console.log`, with the exception that it will re-run whenever its