import deindent from '../compiler/generate/utils/deindent.js';
import assert from 'assert';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import jsdom from 'jsdom';
import * as consoleGroup from 'console-group';
import * as sourceMapSupport from 'source-map-support';
// for coverage purposes, we need to test source files,
// but for sanity purposes, we need to test dist files
const svelte = process.env.COVERAGE ?
require( '../compiler/index.js' ) :
require( '../dist/svelte.js' );
const cache = {};
require.extensions[ '.html' ] = function ( module, filename ) {
const code = cache[ filename ] || ( cache[ filename ] = svelte.compile( fs.readFileSync( filename, 'utf-8' ) ).code );
return module._compile( code, filename );
function exists ( path ) {
try {
fs.statSync( path );
return true;
} catch ( err ) {
return false;
function env () {
return new Promise( ( fulfil, reject ) => {
jsdom.env( '<main></main>', ( err, window ) => {
if ( err ) {
reject( err );
} else {
global.document = window.document;
fulfil( window );
describe( 'svelte', () => {
before( () => {
function cleanChildren ( node ) {
let previous = null;
[ ...node.childNodes ].forEach( child => {
if ( child.nodeType === 8 ) {
// comment
node.removeChild( child );
if ( child.nodeType === 3 ) {
child.data = child.data.replace( /\s{2,}/, '\n' );
// text
if ( previous && previous.nodeType === 3 ) {
previous.data += child.data;
previous.data = previous.data.replace( /\s{2,}/, '\n' );
node.removeChild( child );
else {
cleanChildren( child );
previous = child;
// collapse whitespace
if ( node.firstChild && node.firstChild.nodeType === 3 ) {
node.firstChild.data = node.firstChild.data.replace( /^\s+/, '' );
if ( !node.firstChild.data ) node.removeChild( node.firstChild );
if ( node.lastChild && node.lastChild.nodeType === 3 ) {
node.lastChild.data = node.lastChild.data.replace( /\s+$/, '' );
if ( !node.lastChild.data ) node.removeChild( node.lastChild );
return env().then( window => {
assert.htmlEqual = ( actual, expected, message ) => {
window.document.body.innerHTML = actual.trim();
cleanChildren( window.document.body, '' );
actual = window.document.body.innerHTML;
window.document.body.innerHTML = expected.trim();
cleanChildren( window.document.body, '' );
expected = window.document.body.innerHTML;
assert.deepEqual( actual, expected, message );
describe( 'parse', () => {
fs.readdirSync( 'test/parser' ).forEach( dir => {
if ( dir[0] === '.' ) return;
const solo = exists( `test/parser/${dir}/solo` );
( solo ? it.only : it )( dir, () => {
const input = fs.readFileSync( `test/parser/${dir}/input.html`, 'utf-8' ).replace( /\s+$/, '' );
try {
const actual = svelte.parse( input );
const expected = require( `./parser/${dir}/output.json` );
assert.deepEqual( actual.html, expected.html );
assert.deepEqual( actual.css, expected.css );
assert.deepEqual( actual.js, expected.js );
} catch ( err ) {
if ( err.name !== 'ParseError' ) throw err;
try {
const expected = require( `./parser/${dir}/error.json` );
assert.equal( err.message, expected.message );
assert.deepEqual( err.loc, expected.loc );
assert.equal( err.pos, expected.pos );
} catch ( err2 ) {
throw err2.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' ? err : err2;
describe( 'validate', () => {
function tryToLoadJson ( file ) {
try {
return JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync( file ) );
} catch ( err ) {
if ( err.code !== 'ENOENT' ) throw err;
return null;
fs.readdirSync( 'test/validator' ).forEach( dir => {
if ( dir[0] === '.' ) return;
const solo = exists( `test/validator/${dir}/solo` );
( solo ? it.only : it )( dir, () => {
const input = fs.readFileSync( `test/validator/${dir}/input.html`, 'utf-8' ).replace( /\s+$/, '' );
try {
const parsed = svelte.parse( input );
const errors = [];
const warnings = [];
svelte.validate( parsed, input, {
onerror ( error ) {
message: error.message,
pos: error.pos,
loc: error.loc
onwarn ( warning ) {
message: warning.message,
pos: warning.pos,
loc: warning.loc
const expectedErrors = tryToLoadJson( `test/validator/${dir}/errors.json` ) || [];
const expectedWarnings = tryToLoadJson( `test/validator/${dir}/warnings.json` ) || [];
assert.deepEqual( errors, expectedErrors );
assert.deepEqual( warnings, expectedWarnings );
} catch ( err ) {
if ( err.name !== 'ParseError' ) throw err;
try {
const expected = require( `./validator/${dir}/error.json` );
assert.equal( err.shortMessage, expected.message );
assert.deepEqual( err.loc, expected.loc );
assert.equal( err.pos, expected.pos );
} catch ( err2 ) {
throw err2.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' ? err : err2;
describe( 'generate', () => {
function loadConfig ( dir ) {
try {
return require( `./compiler/${dir}/_config.js` ).default;
} catch ( err ) {
if ( err.code === 'E_NOT_FOUND' ) {
return {};
throw err;
fs.readdirSync( 'test/compiler' ).forEach( dir => {
if ( dir[0] === '.' ) return;
const config = loadConfig( dir );
( config.skip ? it.skip : config.solo ? it.only : it )( dir, () => {
let compiled;
try {
const source = fs.readFileSync( `test/compiler/${dir}/main.html`, 'utf-8' );
compiled = svelte.compile( source );
} catch ( err ) {
if ( config.compileError ) {
config.compileError( err );
} else {
throw err;
const { code } = compiled;
const withLineNumbers = code.split( '\n' ).map( ( line, i ) => {
i = String( i + 1 );
while ( i.length < 3 ) i = ` ${i}`;
return `${i}: ${line.replace( /^\t+/, match => match.split( '\t' ).join( ' ' ) )}`;
}).join( '\n' );
cache[ path.resolve( `test/compiler/${dir}/main.html` ) ] = code;
let SvelteComponent;
try {
SvelteComponent = require( `./compiler/${dir}/main.html` ).default;
} catch ( err ) {
console.log( withLineNumbers ); // eslint-disable-line no-console
throw err;
if ( config.show ) {
console.log( withLineNumbers ); // eslint-disable-line no-console
return env()
.then( window => {
const target = window.document.querySelector( 'main' );
const component = new SvelteComponent({
data: config.data
if ( config.html ) {
assert.htmlEqual( target.innerHTML, config.html );
if ( config.test ) {
config.test( assert, component, target, window );
} else {
assert.equal( target.innerHTML, '' );
.catch( err => {
if ( !config.show ) console.log( withLineNumbers ); // eslint-disable-line no-console
throw err;
describe( 'formats', () => {
function testAmd ( code, expectedId, dependencies, html ) {
const fn = new Function( 'define', code );
return env().then( window => {
function define ( id, deps, factory ) {
assert.equal( id, expectedId );
assert.deepEqual( deps, Object.keys( dependencies ) );
const SvelteComponent = factory( ...Object.keys( dependencies ).map( key => dependencies[ key ] ) );
const main = window.document.body.querySelector( 'main' );
const component = new SvelteComponent({ target: main });
assert.htmlEqual( main.innerHTML, html );
define.amd = true;
fn( define );
function testCjs ( code, dependencyById, html ) {
const fn = new Function( 'module', 'exports', 'require', code );
return env().then( window => {
const module = { exports: {} };
const require = id => {
return dependencyById[ id ];
fn( module, module.exports, require );
const SvelteComponent = module.exports;
const main = window.document.body.querySelector( 'main' );
const component = new SvelteComponent({ target: main });
assert.htmlEqual( main.innerHTML, html );
function testIife ( code, name, globals, html ) {
const fn = new Function( Object.keys( globals ), `${code}\n\nreturn ${name};` );
return env().then( window => {
const SvelteComponent = fn( ...Object.keys( globals ).map( key => globals[ key ] ) );
const main = window.document.body.querySelector( 'main' );
const component = new SvelteComponent({ target: main });
assert.htmlEqual( main.innerHTML, html );
describe( 'amd', () => {
it( 'generates an AMD module', () => {
const source = deindent`
import answer from 'answer';
export default {
data () {
return { answer };
const { code } = svelte.compile( source, {
format: 'amd',
amd: { id: 'foo' }
return testAmd( code, 'foo', { answer: 42 }, `<div>42</div>` );
describe( 'cjs', () => {
it( 'generates a CommonJS module', () => {
const source = deindent`
import answer from 'answer';
export default {
data () {
return { answer };
const { code } = svelte.compile( source, {
format: 'cjs'
return testCjs( code, { answer: 42 }, `<div>42</div>` );
describe( 'iife', () => {
it( 'generates a self-executing script', () => {
const source = deindent`
import answer from 'answer';
export default {
data () {
return { answer };
const { code } = svelte.compile( source, {
format: 'iife',
name: 'Foo',
globals: {
answer: 'answer'
return testIife( code, 'Foo', { answer: 42 }, `<div>42</div>` );
describe( 'umd', () => {
it( 'generates a UMD build', () => {
const source = deindent`
import answer from 'answer';
export default {
data () {
return { answer };
const { code } = svelte.compile( source, {
format: 'umd',
name: 'Foo',
globals: {
answer: 'answer'
amd: {
id: 'foo'
return testAmd( code, 'foo', { answer: 42 }, `<div>42</div>` )
.then( () => testCjs( code, { answer: 42 }, `<div>42</div>` ) )
.then( () => testIife( code, 'Foo', { answer: 42 }, `<div>42</div>` ) );