import Component from './compile/Component';
const now = (typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.hrtime)
? () => {
const t = process.hrtime();
return t[0] * 1e3 + t[1] / 1e6;
: () => self.performance.now();
type Timing = {
label: string;
start: number;
end: number;
children: Timing[];
function collapseTimings(timings) {
const result = {};
timings.forEach(timing => {
result[timing.label] = Object.assign({
total: timing.end - timing.start
}, timing.children && collapseTimings(timing.children));
return result;
export default class Stats {
startTime: number;
currentTiming: Timing;
currentChildren: Timing[];
timings: Timing[];
stack: Timing[];
constructor() {
this.startTime = now();
this.stack = [];
this.currentChildren = this.timings = [];
start(label) {
const timing = {
start: now(),
end: null,
children: []
this.currentTiming = timing;
this.currentChildren = timing.children;
stop(label) {
if (label !== this.currentTiming.label) {
throw new Error(`Mismatched timing labels (expected ${this.currentTiming.label}, got ${label})`);
this.currentTiming.end = now();
this.currentTiming = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1];
this.currentChildren = this.currentTiming ? this.currentTiming.children : this.timings;
render(component: Component) {
const timings = Object.assign({
total: now() - this.startTime
}, collapseTimings(this.timings));
// TODO would be good to have this info even
// if options.generate is false
const imports = component && component.imports.map(node => {
return {
source: node.source.value,
specifiers: node.specifiers.map(specifier => {
return {
name: (
specifier.type === 'ImportDefaultSpecifier' ? 'default' :
specifier.type === 'ImportNamespaceSpecifier' ? '*' :
as: specifier.local.name
return {
vars: component.vars.filter(variable => !variable.global && !variable.implicit && !variable.internal).map(variable => ({
name: variable.name,
export_name: variable.export_name || null,
injected: variable.injected || false,
module: variable.module || false,
mutated: variable.mutated || false,
reassigned: variable.reassigned || false,
referenced: variable.referenced || false,
writable: variable.writable || false