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title: Media elements
The `<audio>` and `<video>` elements have several properties that you can bind to. This example demonstrates a few of them.
On line 116, add `currentTime={time}`, `duration` and `paused` bindings:
> `bind:duration` is equivalent to `bind:duration={duration}`
Now, when you click on the video, it will update `time`, `duration` and `paused` as appropriate. This means we can use them to build custom controls.
> Ordinarily on the web, you would track `currentTime` by listening for `timeupdate` events. But these events fire too infrequently, resulting in choppy UI. Svelte does better — it checks `currentTime` using `requestAnimationFrame`.
The complete set of bindings for `<audio>` and `<video>` is as follows — four *readonly* bindings...
* `duration` (readonly) — the total duration of the video, in seconds
* `buffered` (readonly) — an array of `{start, end}` objects
* `seekable` (readonly) — ditto
* `played` (readonly) — ditto
...and three *two-way* bindings:
* `currentTime` — the current point in the video, in seconds
* `playbackRate` — how fast to play the video, where `1` is 'normal'
* `paused` — this one should be self-explanatory
* `volume` — a value between 0 and 1