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title: $$props and $$restProps
In runes mode, getting an object containing all the props that were passed in is easy, using the [`$props`]($props) rune.
In legacy mode, we use `$$props` and `$$restProps`:
- `$$props` contains all the props that were passed in, including ones that are not individually declared with the `export` keyword
- `$$restProps` contains all the props that were passed in _except_ the ones that were individually declared
For example, a `<Button>` component might need to pass along all its props to its own `<button>` element, except the `variant` prop:
export let variant;
<button {...$$restProps} class="variant-{variant} {$$props.class ?? ''}">
click me
.variant-danger {
background: red;
In Svelte 3/4 using `$$props` and `$$restProps` creates a modest performance penalty, so they should only be used when needed.