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title: Special elements
## `<slot>`
<slot><!-- optional fallback --></slot>
<slot name="x"><!-- optional fallback --></slot>
<slot prop={value} />
Components can have child content, in the same way that elements can.
The content is exposed in the child component using the `<slot>` element, which can contain fallback content that is rendered if no children are provided.
<!-- Widget.svelte -->
this fallback content will be rendered when no content is provided, like in the first example
<!-- App.svelte -->
<Widget />
<!-- this component will render the default content -->
<p>this is some child content that will overwrite the default slot content</p>
Note: If you want to render regular `<slot>` element, You can use `<svelte:element this="slot" />`.
### `<slot name="`_name_`">`
Named slots allow consumers to target specific areas. They can also have fallback content.
<!-- Widget.svelte -->
<slot name="header">No header was provided</slot>
<p>Some content between header and footer</p>
<slot name="footer" />
<!-- App.svelte -->
<h1 slot="header">Hello</h1>
<p slot="footer">Copyright (c) 2019 Svelte Industries</p>
Components can be placed in a named slot using the syntax `<Component slot="name" />`.
In order to place content in a slot without using a wrapper element, you can use the special element `<svelte:fragment>`.
<!-- Widget.svelte -->
<slot name="header">No header was provided</slot>
<p>Some content between header and footer</p>
<slot name="footer" />
<!-- App.svelte -->
<HeaderComponent slot="header" />
<svelte:fragment slot="footer">
<p>All rights reserved.</p>
<p>Copyright (c) 2019 Svelte Industries</p>
### $$slots
`$$slots` is an object whose keys are the names of the slots passed into the component by the parent. If the parent does not pass in a slot with a particular name, that name will not be present in `$$slots`. This allows components to render a slot (and other elements, like wrappers for styling) only if the parent provides it.
Note that explicitly passing in an empty named slot will add that slot's name to `$$slots`. For example, if a parent passes `<div slot="title" />` to a child component, `$$slots.title` will be truthy within the child.
<!-- Card.svelte -->
<slot name="title" />
{#if $$slots.description}
<!-- This <hr> and slot will render only if a slot named "description" is provided. -->
<hr />
<slot name="description" />
<!-- App.svelte -->
<h1 slot="title">Blog Post Title</h1>
<!-- No slot named "description" was provided so the optional slot will not be rendered. -->
### `<slot key={`_value_`}>`
Slots can be rendered zero or more times and can pass values _back_ to the parent using props. The parent exposes the values to the slot template using the `let:` directive.
The usual shorthand rules apply — `let:item` is equivalent to `let:item={item}`, and `<slot {item}>` is equivalent to `<slot item={item}>`.
<!-- FancyList.svelte -->
{#each items as item}
<li class="fancy">
<slot prop={item} />
<!-- App.svelte -->
<FancyList {items} let:prop={thing}>
Named slots can also expose values. The `let:` directive goes on the element with the `slot` attribute.
<!-- FancyList.svelte -->
{#each items as item}
<li class="fancy">
<slot name="item" {item} />
<slot name="footer" />
<!-- App.svelte -->
<FancyList {items}>
<div slot="item" let:item>{item.text}</div>
<p slot="footer">Copyright (c) 2019 Svelte Industries</p>
## `<svelte:self>`
The `<svelte:self>` element allows a component to include itself, recursively.
It cannot appear at the top level of your markup; it must be inside an if or each block or passed to a component's slot to prevent an infinite loop.
/** @type {number} */
export let count;
{#if count > 0}
<p>counting down... {count}</p>
<svelte:self count={count - 1} />
## `<svelte:component>`
<svelte:component this={expression} />
The `<svelte:component>` element renders a component dynamically, using the component constructor specified as the `this` property. When the property changes, the component is destroyed and recreated.
If `this` is falsy, no component is rendered.
<svelte:component this={currentSelection.component} foo={bar} />
## `<svelte:element>`
<svelte:element this={expression} />
The `<svelte:element>` element lets you render an element of a dynamically specified type. This is useful for example when displaying rich text content from a CMS. Any properties and event listeners present will be applied to the element.
The only supported binding is `bind:this`, since the element type-specific bindings that Svelte does at build time (e.g. `bind:value` for input elements) do not work with a dynamic tag type.
If `this` has a nullish value, the element and its children will not be rendered.
If `this` is the name of a [void element]( (e.g., `br`) and `<svelte:element>` has child elements, a runtime error will be thrown in development mode.
let tag = 'div';
export let handler;
<svelte:element this={tag} on:click={handler}>Foo</svelte:element>
## `<svelte:window>`
<svelte:window on:event={handler} />
<svelte:window bind:prop={value} />
The `<svelte:window>` element allows you to add event listeners to the `window` object without worrying about removing them when the component is destroyed, or checking for the existence of `window` when server-side rendering.
Unlike `<svelte:self>`, this element may only appear at the top level of your component and must never be inside a block or element.
/** @param {KeyboardEvent} event */
function handleKeydown(event) {
alert(`pressed the ${event.key} key`);
<svelte:window on:keydown={handleKeydown} />
You can also bind to the following properties:
- `innerWidth`
- `innerHeight`
- `outerWidth`
- `outerHeight`
- `scrollX`
- `scrollY`
- `online` — an alias for `window.navigator.onLine`
- `devicePixelRatio`
All except `scrollX` and `scrollY` are readonly.
<svelte:window bind:scrollY={y} />
> Note that the page will not be scrolled to the initial value to avoid accessibility issues. Only subsequent changes to the bound variable of `scrollX` and `scrollY` will cause scrolling. However, if the scrolling behaviour is desired, call `scrollTo()` in `onMount()`.
## `<svelte:document>`
<svelte:document on:event={handler} />
<svelte:document bind:prop={value} />
Similarly to `<svelte:window>`, this element allows you to add listeners to events on `document`, such as `visibilitychange`, which don't fire on `window`. It also lets you use [actions](/docs/element-directives#use-action) on `document`.
As with `<svelte:window>`, this element may only appear the top level of your component and must never be inside a block or element.
<svelte:document on:visibilitychange={handleVisibilityChange} use:someAction />
You can also bind to the following properties:
- `fullscreenElement`
- `visibilityState`
All are readonly.
## `<svelte:body>`
<svelte:body on:event={handler} />
Similarly to `<svelte:window>`, this element allows you to add listeners to events on `document.body`, such as `mouseenter` and `mouseleave`, which don't fire on `window`. It also lets you use [actions](/docs/element-directives#use-action) on the `<body>` element.
As with `<svelte:window>` and `<svelte:document>`, this element may only appear the top level of your component and must never be inside a block or element.
<svelte:body on:mouseenter={handleMouseenter} on:mouseleave={handleMouseleave} use:someAction />
## `<svelte:head>`
This element makes it possible to insert elements into `document.head`. During server-side rendering, `head` content is exposed separately to the main `html` content.
As with `<svelte:window>`, `<svelte:document>` and `<svelte:body>`, this element may only appear at the top level of your component and must never be inside a block or element.
<title>Hello world!</title>
<meta name="description" content="This is where the description goes for SEO" />
## `<svelte:options>`
<svelte:options option={value} />
The `<svelte:options>` element provides a place to specify per-component compiler options, which are detailed in the [compiler section](/docs/svelte-compiler#compile). The possible options are:
- `immutable={true}` — you never use mutable data, so the compiler can do simple referential equality checks to determine if values have changed
- `immutable={false}` — the default. Svelte will be more conservative about whether or not mutable objects have changed
- `accessors={true}` — adds getters and setters for the component's props
- `accessors={false}` — the default
- `namespace="..."` — the namespace where this component will be used, most commonly "svg"; use the "foreign" namespace to opt out of case-insensitive attribute names and HTML-specific warnings
- `customElement="..."` — the name to use when compiling this component as a custom element
<svelte:options customElement="my-custom-element" />
## `<svelte:fragment>`
The `<svelte:fragment>` element allows you to place content in a [named slot](/docs/special-elements#slot-slot-name-name) without wrapping it in a container DOM element. This keeps the flow layout of your document intact.
<!-- Widget.svelte -->
<slot name="header">No header was provided</slot>
<p>Some content between header and footer</p>
<slot name="footer" />
<!-- App.svelte -->
<h1 slot="header">Hello</h1>
<svelte:fragment slot="footer">
<p>All rights reserved.</p>
<p>Copyright (c) 2019 Svelte Industries</p>