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title: Preprocessing
Some developers like to use non-standard languages such as [Pug](, [Sass]( or [CoffeeScript](
It's possible to use these languages, or anything else that can be converted to HTML, CSS and JavaScript, using *preprocessors*.
### svelte.preprocess
Svelte exports a `preprocess` function that takes some input source code and returns a Promise for a standard Svelte component, ready to be used with `svelte.compile`:
const svelte = require('svelte');
const input = fs.readFileSync('App.html', 'utf-8');
svelte.preprocess(input, {
filename: 'App.html', // this is passed to each preprocessor
markup: ({ content, filename }) => {
return {
code: '<!-- some HTML -->',
map: {...}
style: ({ content, attributes, filename }) => {
return {
code: '/* some CSS */',
map: {...}
script: ({ content, attributes, filename }) => {
return {
code: '// some JavaScript',
map: {...}
}).then(preprocessed => {
fs.writeFileSync('preprocessed/App.html', preprocessed.toString());
const { js } = svelte.compile(preprocessed);
fs.writeFileSync('compiled/App.js', js.code);
The `markup` preprocessor, if specified, runs first. The `content` property represents the entire input string.
The `style` and `script` preprocessors receive the contents of the `<style>` and `<script>` elements respectively, along with any `attributes` on those elements (e.g. `<style lang='scss'>`).
All three preprocessors are optional. Each should return a `{ code, map }` object or a Promise that resolves to a `{ code, map }` object, where `code` is the resulting string and `map` is a sourcemap representing the transformation.
> The returned `map` objects are not currently used by Svelte, but will be in future versions
### Using build tools
Many build tool plugins, such as [rollup-plugin-svelte]( and [svelte-loader](, allow you to specify `preprocess` options, in which case the build tool will do the grunt work.