Attribute values can contain JavaScript expressions.
<ahref="page/{p}">page {p}</a>
Or they can _be_ JavaScript expressions.
Boolean attributes are included on the element if their value is [truthy]( and excluded if it's [falsy](
All other attributes are included unless their value is [nullish]( (`null` or `undefined`).
<inputrequired={false}placeholder="This input field is not required"/>
<divtitle={null}>This div has no title attribute</div>
An expression might include characters that would cause syntax highlighting to fail in regular HTML, so quoting the value is permitted. The quotes do not affect how the value is parsed:
`$$props` references all props that are passed to a component, including ones that are not declared with `export`. Using `$$props` will not perform as well as references to a specific prop because changes to any prop will cause Svelte to recheck all usages of `$$props`. But it can be useful in some cases – for example, when you don't know at compile time what props might be passed to a component.
`$$restProps` contains only the props which are _not_ declared with `export`. It can be used to pass down other unknown attributes to an element in a component. It shares the same performance characteristics compared to specific property access as `$$props`.
> The `value` attribute of an `input` element or its children `option` elements must not be set with spread attributes when using `bind:group` or `bind:checked`. Svelte needs to be able to see the element's `value` directly in the markup in these cases so that it can link it to the bound variable.
> Sometimes, the attribute order matters as Svelte sets attributes sequentially in JavaScript. For example, `<input type="range" min="0" max="1" value={0.5} step="0.1"/>`, Svelte will attempt to set the value to `1` (rounding up from 0.5 as the step by default is 1), and then set the step to `0.1`. To fix this, change it to `<input type="range" min="0" max="1" step="0.1" value={0.5}/>`.
> Another example is `<img src="..." loading="lazy" />`. Svelte will set the img `src` before making the img element `loading="lazy"`, which is probably too late. Change this to `<img loading="lazy" src="...">` to make the image lazily loaded.
## Text expressions
Text can also contain JavaScript expressions:
> If you're using a regular expression (`RegExp`) [literal notation](, you'll need to wrap it in parentheses.
Comments beginning with `svelte-ignore` disable warnings for the next block of markup. Usually, these are accessibility warnings; make sure that you're disabling them for a good reason.