You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

201 lines
4.3 KiB

import Imported from 'Imported.html';
function assign ( target ) {
for ( var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i += 1 ) {
var source = arguments[i];
for ( var k in source ) target[k] = source[k];
return target;
function insertNode ( node, target, anchor ) {
target.insertBefore( node, anchor );
function detachNode ( node ) {
node.parentNode.removeChild( node );
function createText ( data ) {
return document.createTextNode( data );
function differs ( a, b ) {
return ( a !== b ) || ( a && ( typeof a === 'object' ) || ( typeof a === 'function' ) );
function dispatchObservers ( component, group, newState, oldState ) {
for ( var key in group ) {
if ( !( key in newState ) ) continue;
var newValue = newState[ key ];
var oldValue = oldState[ key ];
if ( differs( newValue, oldValue ) ) {
var callbacks = group[ key ];
if ( !callbacks ) continue;
for ( var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i += 1 ) {
var callback = callbacks[i];
if ( callback.__calling ) continue;
callback.__calling = true; component, newValue, oldValue );
callback.__calling = false;
function get ( key ) {
return key ? this._state[ key ] : this._state;
function fire ( eventName, data ) {
var handlers = eventName in this._handlers && this._handlers[ eventName ].slice();
if ( !handlers ) return;
for ( var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i += 1 ) {
handlers[i].call( this, data );
function observe ( key, callback, options ) {
var group = ( options && options.defer ) ? : this._observers.pre;
( group[ key ] || ( group[ key ] = [] ) ).push( callback );
if ( !options || options.init !== false ) {
callback.__calling = true; this, this._state[ key ] );
callback.__calling = false;
return {
cancel: function () {
var index = group[ key ].indexOf( callback );
if ( ~index ) group[ key ].splice( index, 1 );
function on ( eventName, handler ) {
if ( eventName === 'teardown' ) return this.on( 'destroy', handler );
var handlers = this._handlers[ eventName ] || ( this._handlers[ eventName ] = [] );
handlers.push( handler );
return {
cancel: function () {
var index = handlers.indexOf( handler );
if ( ~index ) handlers.splice( index, 1 );
function set ( newState ) {
this._set( assign( {}, newState ) );
function _flush () {
if ( !this._renderHooks ) return;
while ( this._renderHooks.length ) {
var proto = {
get: get,
fire: fire,
observe: observe,
on: on,
set: set,
_flush: _flush
var template = (function () {
return {
components: {
function create_main_fragment ( state, component ) {
var imported = new Imported({
target: null,
_root: component._root
var text = createText( "\n" );
var nonimported = new template.components.NonImported({
target: null,
_root: component._root
return {
mount: function ( target, anchor ) {
imported._fragment.mount( target, anchor );
insertNode( text, target, anchor );
nonimported._fragment.mount( target, anchor );
destroy: function ( detach ) {
imported.destroy( detach );
nonimported.destroy( detach );
if ( detach ) {
detachNode( text );
function SvelteComponent ( options ) {
options = options || {};
this._state = || {};
this._observers = {
pre: Object.create( null ),
post: Object.create( null )
this._handlers = Object.create( null );
this._root = options._root || this;
this._yield = options._yield;
this._torndown = false;
this._renderHooks = [];
this._fragment = create_main_fragment( this._state, this );
if ( ) this._fragment.mount(, null );
assign( SvelteComponent.prototype, proto );
SvelteComponent.prototype._set = function _set ( newState ) {
var oldState = this._state;
this._state = assign( {}, oldState, newState );
dispatchObservers( this, this._observers.pre, newState, oldState );
dispatchObservers( this,, newState, oldState );
SvelteComponent.prototype.teardown = SvelteComponent.prototype.destroy = function destroy ( detach ) { 'destroy' );
this._fragment.destroy( detach !== false );
this._fragment = null;
this._state = {};
this._torndown = true;
export default SvelteComponent;