Expected a `%character%` character immediately following the opening bracket
### block_unexpected_close
Unexpected block closing tag
### component_invalid_directive
This type of directive is not valid on components
### const_tag_cycle
Cyclical dependency detected: %cycle%
### const_tag_invalid_expression
{@const ...} must consist of a single variable declaration
### const_tag_invalid_placement
`{@const}` must be the immediate child of `{#snippet}`, `{#if}`, `{:else if}`, `{:else}`, `{#each}`, `{:then}`, `{:catch}`, `<svelte:fragment>` or `<Component>`
### constant_assignment
Cannot assign to %thing%
### constant_binding
Cannot bind to %thing%
### css_empty_declaration
Declaration cannot be empty
### css_expected_identifier
Expected a valid CSS identifier
### css_global_block_invalid_combinator
A `:global` selector cannot follow a `%name%` combinator
### css_global_block_invalid_declaration
A top-level `:global {...}` block can only contain rules, not declarations
### css_global_block_invalid_list
A `:global` selector cannot be part of a selector list with more than one item
### css_global_block_invalid_modifier
A `:global` selector cannot modify an existing selector
### css_global_block_invalid_modifier_start
A `:global` selector can only be modified if it is a descendant of other selectors
### css_global_invalid_placement
`:global(...)` can be at the start or end of a selector sequence, but not in the middle
### css_global_invalid_selector
`:global(...)` must contain exactly one selector
### css_global_invalid_selector_list
`:global(...)` must not contain type or universal selectors when used in a compound selector
### css_nesting_selector_invalid_placement
Nesting selectors can only be used inside a rule or as the first selector inside a lone `:global(...)`
### css_selector_invalid
Invalid selector
### css_type_selector_invalid_placement
`:global(...)` must not be followed by a type selector
### debug_tag_invalid_arguments
{@debug ...} arguments must be identifiers, not arbitrary expressions
### declaration_duplicate
`%name%` has already been declared
### declaration_duplicate_module_import
Cannot declare a variable with the same name as an import inside `<script module>`
### derived_invalid_export
Cannot export derived state from a module. To expose the current derived value, export a function returning its value
### directive_invalid_value
Directive value must be a JavaScript expression enclosed in curly braces
### directive_missing_name
`%type%` name cannot be empty
### dollar_binding_invalid
The $ name is reserved, and cannot be used for variables and imports
### dollar_prefix_invalid
The $ prefix is reserved, and cannot be used for variables and imports
### each_item_invalid_assignment
Cannot reassign or bind to each block argument in runes mode. Use the array and index variables instead (e.g. `array[i] = value` instead of `entry = value`)
### effect_invalid_placement
`$effect()` can only be used as an expression statement
### element_invalid_closing_tag
`</%name%>` attempted to close an element that was not open
### element_invalid_closing_tag_autoclosed
`</%name%>` attempted to close element that was already automatically closed by `<%reason%>` (cannot nest `<%reason%>` inside `<%name%>`)
### element_unclosed
`<%name%>` was left open
### event_handler_invalid_component_modifier
Event modifiers other than 'once' can only be used on DOM elements
### event_handler_invalid_modifier
Valid event modifiers are %list%
### event_handler_invalid_modifier_combination
The '%modifier1%' and '%modifier2%' modifiers cannot be used together
### expected_attribute_value
Expected attribute value
### expected_block_type
Expected 'if', 'each', 'await', 'key' or 'snippet'
Imports of `svelte/internal/*` are forbidden. It contains private runtime code which is subject to change without notice. If you're importing from `svelte/internal/*` to work around a limitation of Svelte, please open an issue at https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte and explain your use case
%message%. The browser will 'repair' the HTML (by moving, removing, or inserting elements) which breaks Svelte's assumptions about the structure of your components.
HTML restricts where certain elements can appear. In case of a violation the browser will 'repair' the HTML in a way that breaks Svelte's assumptions about the structure of your components. Some examples:
-`<p>hello <div>world</div></p>` will result in `<p>hello </p><div>world</div><p></p>` (the `<div>` autoclosed the `<p>` because `<p>` cannot contain block-level elements)
-`<option><div>option a</div></option>` will result in `<option>option a</option>` (the `<div>` is removed)
-`<table><tr><td>cell</td></tr></table>` will result in `<table><tbody><tr><td>cell</td></tr></tbody></table>` (a `<tbody>` is auto-inserted)
### options_invalid_value
Invalid compiler option: %details%
### options_removed
Invalid compiler option: %details%
### options_unrecognised
Unrecognised compiler option %keypath%
### props_duplicate
Cannot use `$props()` more than once
### props_illegal_name
Declaring or accessing a prop starting with `$$` is illegal (they are reserved for Svelte internals)
### props_invalid_identifier
`$props()` can only be used with an object destructuring pattern
### props_invalid_pattern
`$props()` assignment must not contain nested properties or computed keys
### props_invalid_placement
`$props()` can only be used at the top level of components as a variable declaration initializer
### reactive_declaration_cycle
Cyclical dependency detected: %cycle%
### render_tag_invalid_call_expression
Calling a snippet function using apply, bind or call is not allowed
### render_tag_invalid_expression
`{@render ...}` tags can only contain call expressions
### render_tag_invalid_spread_argument
cannot use spread arguments in `{@render ...}` tags
### rune_invalid_arguments
`%rune%` cannot be called with arguments
### rune_invalid_arguments_length
`%rune%` must be called with %args%
### rune_invalid_computed_property
Cannot access a computed property of a rune
### rune_invalid_name
`%name%` is not a valid rune
### rune_invalid_usage
Cannot use `%rune%` rune in non-runes mode
### rune_missing_parentheses
Cannot use rune without parentheses
### rune_removed
The `%name%` rune has been removed
### rune_renamed
`%name%` is now `%replacement%`
### runes_mode_invalid_import
%name% cannot be used in runes mode
### script_duplicate
A component can have a single top-level `<script>` element and/or a single top-level `<script module>` element
### script_invalid_attribute_value
If the `%name%` attribute is supplied, it must be a boolean attribute
### script_invalid_context
If the context attribute is supplied, its value must be "module"
### script_reserved_attribute
The `%name%` attribute is reserved and cannot be used
### slot_attribute_duplicate
Duplicate slot name '%name%' in <%component%>
### slot_attribute_invalid
slot attribute must be a static value
### slot_attribute_invalid_placement
Element with a slot='...' attribute must be a child of a component or a descendant of a custom element
### slot_default_duplicate
Found default slot content alongside an explicit slot="default"
### slot_element_invalid_attribute
`<slot>` can only receive attributes and (optionally) let directives
### slot_element_invalid_name
slot attribute must be a static value
### slot_element_invalid_name_default
`default` is a reserved word — it cannot be used as a slot name
### slot_snippet_conflict
Cannot use `<slot>` syntax and `{@render ...}` tags in the same component. Migrate towards `{@render ...}` tags completely
### snippet_conflict
Cannot use explicit children snippet at the same time as implicit children content. Remove either the non-whitespace content or the children snippet block
An exported snippet can only reference things declared in a `<script module>`, or other exportable snippets
It's possible to export a snippet from a `<script module>` block, but only if it doesn't reference anything defined inside a non-module-level `<script>`. For example you can't do this...
export { greeting };
let message = 'hello';
{#snippet greeting(name)}
<p>{message} {name}!</p>
...because `greeting` references `message`, which is defined in the second `<script>`.
Snippets do not support rest parameters; use an array instead
### snippet_parameter_assignment
Cannot reassign or bind to snippet parameter
### snippet_shadowing_prop
This snippet is shadowing the prop `%prop%` with the same name
### state_invalid_export
Cannot export state from a module if it is reassigned. Either export a function returning the state value or only mutate the state value's properties
### state_invalid_placement
`%rune%(...)` can only be used as a variable declaration initializer or a class field
### store_invalid_scoped_subscription
Cannot subscribe to stores that are not declared at the top level of the component
### store_invalid_subscription
Cannot reference store value inside `<script module>`
### store_invalid_subscription_module
Cannot reference store value outside a `.svelte` file
Using a `$` prefix to refer to the value of a store is only possible inside `.svelte` files, where Svelte can automatically create subscriptions when a component is mounted and unsubscribe when the component is unmounted. Consider migrating to runes instead.
### style_directive_invalid_modifier
`style:` directive can only use the `important` modifier
### style_duplicate
A component can have a single top-level `<style>` element
### svelte_body_illegal_attribute
`<svelte:body>` does not support non-event attributes or spread attributes
Invalid component definition — must be an `{expression}`
### svelte_component_missing_this
`<svelte:component>` must have a 'this' attribute
### svelte_element_missing_this
`<svelte:element>` must have a 'this' attribute with a value
### svelte_fragment_invalid_attribute
`<svelte:fragment>` can only have a slot attribute and (optionally) a let: directive
### svelte_fragment_invalid_placement
`<svelte:fragment>` must be the direct child of a component
### svelte_head_illegal_attribute
`<svelte:head>` cannot have attributes nor directives
### svelte_meta_duplicate
A component can only have one `<%name%>` element
### svelte_meta_invalid_content
<%name%> cannot have children
### svelte_meta_invalid_placement
`<%name%>` tags cannot be inside elements or blocks
### svelte_meta_invalid_tag
Valid `<svelte:...>` tag names are %list%
### svelte_options_deprecated_tag
"tag" option is deprecated — use "customElement" instead
### svelte_options_invalid_attribute
`<svelte:options>` can only receive static attributes
### svelte_options_invalid_attribute_value
Value must be %list%, if specified
### svelte_options_invalid_customelement
"customElement" must be a string literal defining a valid custom element name or an object of the form { tag?: string; shadow?: "open" | "none"; props?: { [key: string]: { attribute?: string; reflect?: boolean; type: .. } } }
### svelte_options_invalid_customelement_props
"props" must be a statically analyzable object literal of the form "{ [key: string]: { attribute?: string; reflect?: boolean; type?: "String" | "Boolean" | "Number" | "Array" | "Object" }"
### svelte_options_invalid_customelement_shadow
"shadow" must be either "open" or "none"
### svelte_options_invalid_tagname
Tag name must be lowercase and hyphenated
See https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/custom-elements.html#valid-custom-element-name for more information on valid tag names
### svelte_options_reserved_tagname
Tag name is reserved
See https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/custom-elements.html#valid-custom-element-name for more information on valid tag names
### svelte_options_unknown_attribute
`<svelte:options>` unknown attribute '%name%'
### svelte_self_invalid_placement
`<svelte:self>` components can only exist inside `{#if}` blocks, `{#each}` blocks, `{#snippet}` blocks or slots passed to components
### tag_invalid_name
Expected a valid element or component name. Components must have a valid variable name or dot notation expression
### tag_invalid_placement
{@%name% ...} tag cannot be %location%
### textarea_invalid_content
A `<textarea>` can have either a value attribute or (equivalently) child content, but not both
### title_illegal_attribute
`<title>` cannot have attributes nor directives
### title_invalid_content
`<title>` can only contain text and {tags}
### transition_conflict
Cannot use `%type%:` alongside existing `%existing%:` directive
### transition_duplicate
Cannot use multiple `%type%:` directives on a single element
### typescript_invalid_feature
TypeScript language features like %feature% are not natively supported, and their use is generally discouraged. Outside of `<script>` tags, these features are not supported. For use within `<script>` tags, you will need to use a preprocessor to convert it to JavaScript before it gets passed to the Svelte compiler. If you are using `vitePreprocess`, make sure to specifically enable preprocessing script tags (`vitePreprocess({ script: true })`)
### unexpected_eof
Unexpected end of input
### unexpected_reserved_word
'%word%' is a reserved word in JavaScript and cannot be used here
### void_element_invalid_content
Void elements cannot have children or closing tags