Boolean attributes are included on the element if their value is [truthy]( and excluded if it's [falsy](
All other attributes are included unless their value is [nullish]( (`null` or `undefined`).
<inputrequired={false}placeholder="This input field is not required">
<divtitle={null}>This div has no title attribute</div>
An expression might include characters that would cause syntax highlighting to fail in regular HTML, so quoting the value is permitted. The quotes do not affect how the value is parsed:
*`$$props`* references all props that are passed to a component, including ones that are not declared with `export`. It is not generally recommended, as it is difficult for Svelte to optimise. But it can be useful in rare cases – for example, when you don't know at compile time what props might be passed to a component.
*`$$restProps`* contains only the props which are *not* declared with `export`. It can be used to pass down other unknown attributes to an element in a component. It shares the same optimisation problems as *`$$props`*, and is likewise not recommended.
> The `value` attribute of an `input` element or its children `option` elements must not be set with spread attributes when using `bind:group` or `bind:checked`. Svelte needs to be able to see the element's `value` directly in the markup in these cases so that it can link it to the bound variable.
> If you're using a regular expression (`RegExp`) [literal notation](, you'll need to wrap it in parentheses.
Comments beginning with `svelte-ignore` disable warnings for the next block of markup. Usually these are accessibility warnings; make sure that you're disabling them for a good reason.
If a *key* expression is provided — which must uniquely identify each list item — Svelte will use it to diff the list when data changes, rather than adding or removing items at the end. The key can be any object, but strings and numbers are recommended since they allow identity to persist when the objects themselves change.
Await blocks allow you to branch on the three possible states of a Promise — pending, fulfilled or rejected. In SSR mode, only the pending state will be rendered on the server.
The expression should be valid standalone HTML — `{@html "<div>"}content{@html "</div>"}` will *not* work, because `</div>` is not valid HTML. It also will *not* compile Svelte code.
> Svelte does not sanitize expressions before injecting HTML. If the data comes from an untrusted source, you must sanitize it, or you are exposing your users to an XSS vulnerability.
The `{@debug ...}` tag offers an alternative to `console.log(...)`. It logs the values of specific variables whenever they change, and pauses code execution if you have devtools open.
The `{@debug}` tag without any arguments will insert a `debugger` statement that gets triggered when *any* state changes, as opposed to the specified variables.
Data ordinarily flows down, from parent to child. The `bind:` directive allows data to flow the other way, from child to parent. Most bindings are specific to particular elements.
The simplest bindings reflect the value of a property, such as `input.value`.
Numeric input values are coerced; even though `input.value` is a string as far as the DOM is concerned, Svelte will treat it as a number. If the input is empty or invalid (in the case of `type="number"`), the value is `undefined`.
On `<input>` elements with `type="file"`, you can use `bind:files` to get the [`FileList` of selected files]( It is readonly.
`bind:` can be used together with `on:` directives. The order that they are defined in determines the value of the bound variable when the event handler is called.
A `<select>` value binding corresponds to the `value` property on the selected `<option>`, which can be any value (not just strings, as is normally the case in the DOM).
Block-level elements have 4 readonly bindings, measured using a technique similar to [this one](
Actions are functions that are called when an element is created. They can return an object with a `destroy` method that is called after the element is unmounted:
An action can have a parameter. If the returned value has an `update` method, it will be called whenever that parameter changes, immediately after Svelte has applied updates to the markup.
> Don't worry about the fact that we're redeclaring the `foo` function for every component instance — Svelte will hoist any functions that don't depend on local state out of the component definition.
When a block is transitioning out, all elements inside the block, including those that do not have their own transitions, are kept in the DOM until every transition in the block has completed.
> By default intro transitions will not play on first render. You can modify this behaviour by setting `intro: true` when you [create a component](/docs#run-time-client-side-component-api).
Transitions can use custom functions. If the returned object has a `css` function, Svelte will create a CSS animation that plays on the element.
The `t` argument passed to `css` is a value between `0` and `1` after the `easing` function has been applied. *In* transitions run from `0` to `1`, *out* transitions run from `1` to `0` —in other words `1` is the element's natural state, as though no transition had been applied. The `u` argument is equal to `1 - t`.
The function is called repeatedly *before* the transition begins, with different `t` and `u` arguments.
If a transition returns a function instead of a transition object, the function will be called in the next microtask. This allows multiple transitions to coordinate, making [crossfade effects](/tutorial/deferred-transitions) possible.
Similar to `transition:`, but only applies to elements entering (`in:`) or leaving (`out:`) the DOM.
Unlike with `transition:`, transitions applied with `in:` and `out:` are not bidirectional — an in transition will continue to 'play' alongside the out transition, rather than reversing, if the block is outroed while the transition is in progress. If an out transition is aborted, transitions will restart from scratch.
An animation is triggered when the contents of a [keyed each block](/docs#template-syntax-each) are re-ordered. Animations do not run when an element is added or removed, only when the index of an existing data item within the each block changes. Animate directives must be on an element that is an *immediate* child of a keyed each block.
Animations can be used with Svelte's [built-in animation functions](/docs#run-time-svelte-animate) or [custom animation functions](/docs#template-syntax-element-directives-animate-fn-custom-animation-functions).
Animations can use custom functions that provide the `node`, an `animation` object and any `parameters` as arguments. The `animation` parameter is an object containing `from` and `to` properties each containing a [DOMRect]( describing the geometry of the element in its `start` and `end` positions. The `from` property is the DOMRect of the element in its starting position, the `to` property is the DOMRect of the element in its final position after the list has been reordered and the DOM updated.
If the returned object has a `css` method, Svelte will create a CSS animation that plays on the element.
The `t` argument passed to `css` is a value that goes from `0` and `1` after the `easing` function has been applied. The `u` argument is equal to `1 - t`.
The function is called repeatedly *before* the animation begins, with different `t` and `u` arguments.
Components can emit events using [createEventDispatcher](/docs#run-time-svelte-createeventdispatcher), or by forwarding DOM events. Listening for component events looks the same as listening for DOM events:
As with DOM events, if the `on:` directive is used without a value, the component will *forward* the event, meaning that a consumer of the component can listen for it.
**Note**: Since this is an extra `<div>`, beware that your CSS structure might accidentally target this. Be mindful of this added wrapper element when using this feature.
Components can have child content, in the same way that elements can.
The content is exposed in the child component using the `<slot>` element, which can contain fallback content that is rendered if no children are provided.
`$$slots` is an object whose keys are the names of the slots passed into the component by the parent. If the parent does not pass in a slot with a particular name, that name will not be present in `$$slots`. This allows components to render a slot (and other elements, like wrappers for styling) only if the parent provides it.
Note that explicitly passing in an empty named slot will add that slot's name to `$$slots`. For example, if a parent passes `<div slot="title" />` to a child component, `$$slots.title` will be truthy within the child.
Slots can be rendered zero or more times, and can pass values *back* to the parent using props. The parent exposes the values to the slot template using the `let:` directive.
The usual shorthand rules apply — `let:item` is equivalent to `let:item={item}`, and `<slot {item}>` is equivalent to `<slot item={item}>`.
The `<svelte:component>` element renders a component dynamically, using the component constructor specified as the `this` property. When the property changes, the component is destroyed and recreated.
The `<svelte:window>` element allows you to add event listeners to the `window` object without worrying about removing them when the component is destroyed, or checking for the existence of `window` when server-side rendering.
> Note that the page will not be scrolled to the initial value to avoid accessibility issues. Only subsequent changes to the bound variable of `scrollX` and `scrollY` will cause scrolling. However, if the scrolling behaviour is desired, call `scrollTo()` in `onMount()`.
Similarly to `<svelte:window>`, this element allows you to add listeners to events on `document.body`, such as `mouseenter` and `mouseleave`, which don't fire on `window`. It also lets you use [actions](/docs#template-syntax-element-directives-use-action) on the `<body>` element.
This element makes it possible to insert elements into `document.head`. During server-side rendering, `head` content is exposed separately to the main `html` content.
As with `<svelte:window>` and `<svelte:body>`, this element has to appear at the top level of your component and cannot be inside a block or other element.
The `<svelte:options>` element provides a place to specify per-component compiler options, which are detailed in the [compiler section](/docs#compile-time-svelte-compile). The possible options are:
*`namespace="..."` — the namespace where this component will be used, most commonly "svg"; use the "foreign" namespace to opt out of case-insensitive attribute names and HTML-specific warnings
The `<svelte:fragment>` element allows you to place content in a [named slot](/docs#template-syntax-slot-slot-name) without wrapping it in a container DOM element. This keeps the flow layout of your document intact.