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title: setContext and getContext
The context API provides a mechanism for components to 'talk' to each other without passing around data and functions as props, or dispatching lots of events. It's an advanced feature, but a useful one.
Take this example app using a [Mapbox GL]( map. We'd like to display the markers, using the `<MapMarker>` component, but we don't want to have to pass around a reference to the underlying Mapbox instance as a prop on each component.
There are two halves to the context API — `setContext` and `getContext`. If a component calls `setContext(key, context)`, then any *child* component can retrieve the context with `const context = getContext(key)`.
Let's set the context first. In `Map.svelte`, import `setContext` from `svelte` and `key` from `mapbox.js` and call `setContext`:
import { onMount, setContext } from 'svelte';
import { mapbox, key } from './mapbox.js';
setContext(key, {
getMap: () => map
The context object can be anything you like. Like [lifecycle functions](tutorial/onmount), `setContext` and `getContext` must be called during component initialisation; since `map` isn't created until the component has mounted, our context object contains a `getMap` function rather than `map` itself.
On the other side of the equation, in `MapMarker.svelte`, we can now get a reference to the Mapbox instance:
import { getContext } from 'svelte';
import { mapbox, key } from './mapbox.js';
const { getMap } = getContext(key);
const map = getMap();
The markers can now add themselves to the map.
> A more finished version of `<MapMarker>` would also handle removal and prop changes, but we're only demonstrating context here.
## Context keys
In `mapbox.js` you'll see this line:
const key = {};
We can use anything as a key — we could do `setContext('mapbox', ...)` for example. The downside of using a string is that different component libraries might accidentally use the same one; using an object literal means the keys are guaranteed not to conflict in any circumstance, even when you have multiple different contexts operating across many component layers.