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title: "What's new in Svelte: November 2021"
description: Over 5000 stars to light up the showcase
author: Dani Sandoval
With SvelteKit crossing the [80% complete mark](, over [5000 stars]( on GitHub, and now having more usage than Sapper, there's never been a better time to try it out! Many in the community have, making for quite a large showcase this month...
Also, don't miss out on [Svelte Summit]( on November 20th - featuring speakers from around the world. Keep an eye out for a watch party in your area 👀
Now onto what's new!
## New in Svelte and SvelteKit
- []( now runs on SvelteKit alongside []( is a relatively complicated site with live code editing, authentication, and a markdown-based blog - making it a great way for us to really test out SvelteKit
- A new compiler option, `enableSourcemap`, provides more control over the compiler output for JS and CSS sourcemaps (**3.44.0**). With this new feature, SvelteKit and the Vite Svelte plugin can now properly handle environment variables in `.svelte` templates (See [sveltejs/kit#720]( and [sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte#201](
- The Svelte Language Tools now support reading the configuration of the VS Code CSS settings ([#1219](
- `vite-plugin-svelte` added a new `experimental.prebundleSvelteLibraries` option that makes it much faster to load Svelte libraries with many components like icon libraries and UI frameworks. The option can be set in the root of `svelte.config.js`. Please test it out and give us feedback!
- SvelteKit will only route endpoints on the client, unless marked as `rel="external"` - reducing the size of the client JS and making it easier to refactor the router in the future ([2656](
- SvelteKit no longer supports Node 12 ([2604](
- SvelteKit was upgraded from Vite 2.6.0 to Vite 2.6.12 fixing an issue where Vite would corrupt the Svelte runtime ( It also included two fixes from the SvelteKit team to avoid or make diagnosing Vite issues in SvelteKit templates easier ( and Vite 2.7 is currently available in beta with additional fixes for SSR
To see all updates to Svelte and SvelteKit, check out the [Svelte]( and [SvelteKit changelog](, respectively.
## Community Showcase
**Apps & Sites**
- [Tangent]( is a clean and powerful notes app for Mac & Windows
- [The Pudding]( is a digital publication that explains ideas debated in culture with visual essays - rebuilt in SvelteKit
- [Power Switcher]( is an interactive overview of the development of the power supply in Switzerland, as energy sources migrate to cleaner sources
- [Sublive]( is a new way of making music by connecting musicians all over the world with a low-latency and high-quality audio network
- [Vibify]( helps you find hidden playlists within your music using your Spotify listening history
- [Browse Marvel Unlimited by Year]( is a SvelteKit site to see what issues are available on Marvel Unlimited for a given year
- [Files](, a modern file explorer for Windows, has a new site rebuilt with SvelteKit
- [lil-hash]( is a simple URL shortener that produces easily rememberable and speakable shortened URLs
- [PWA Haven]( is a collection of small, fast, simple PWAs to replace native OS apps
- [DottoBit]( is a multi-color 16-bit drawing program with URL sharing built-in
- [Former Fast Document for Print]( is an invoice generator with beautiful designs, abilities for international languages and auto calculation
- [Helvetikon]( is a community maintained dictionary for the Swiss German language
- [Palitra App]( is a search-based color palette generator
**Podcasts Featuring Svelte**
- [Svelte Radio]( dives into the tech behind the recently released Svelte Summit website and a bunch of other fun stuff!
- [PodRocket](, LogRocket's podcast, talks Svelte with Rich Harris
- [PodRocket also dove deep]( into Elder.js with Nick Reese
- [Web Rush]( and Rich Harris talk about the differences between a SPA and MPA, what role the server rendering plays, what client side hydration is, and the state of modern tooling for developing an SPA or MPA
- []( talks with Rich Harris about developing engaging data visualizations and building the tools of tomorrow
**Educational Content**
- [Have Single-Page Apps Ruined the Web?]( Rich Harris answers the controversial question at this year's Jamstack Conf
- [Svelte vs SvelteKit - What's The Difference?]( LevelUpTuts provides a quick guide to explaining the relationship between the two projects. You can check out the rest of Scott Tolinski's guides to Svelte in his new series, ["Weekly Svelte"](
- [WebJeda's SvelteKit Hooks]( series continues this month with Part 3 - Cookie Session Authentication
- [Writing Context Aware Styles in a Svelte App]( is a guide to writing self-contained components that are able to dynamically adapt to their parents
- [A Beginners Guide to SvelteKit]( takes a beginner-friendly look at both Svelte and SvelteKit and build out a simple web app showing profile pages of imaginary users
- [Svelte vs React: Ending the Debate]( is a historical take on the age-old argument
- [Svelte Snacks | Custom Events for Modal Actions]( walks through a solid implementation of Svelte's handy custom event system
- [What Svelte's accessibility warnings won't tell you]( explains how Svelte's a11y warnings work and why you shouldn't count on them to make your app accessible
**Libraries, Tools & Components**
- [svelte-adapter-azure-swa]( is an adapter for Svelte apps that creates an Azure Static Web App, using an Azure function for dynamic server rendering
- [Inlang]( is a localization and internationalization toolkit that now supports SvelteKit
- [svelte-translate-tools]( extract/generate/compile translation files for your Svelte App at build time
- [@egjs/svelte-infinitegrid]( lets you implement various grids composed of different card elements whose sizes vary
- [svelte-reactive-css-preprocess]( makes it easier to update css variable values whenever your component state changes
- [Sveltegen]( is a CLI for simple and easy creation of actions, components, and routes
- [svelte-advanced-multistep-form]( helps to wrap form elements passing down styles to the component to be rendered, also it presents each form step in a ordered and stylish way
- [gQuery]( is a GraphQL Fetcher & Cache for SvelteKit
- [date-picker-svelte]( is a date and time picker for Svelte
- [TwelveUI]( is a Svelte component library with accessibility built-in
- [svelte-outclick]( is a Svelte component that allows you to listen for clicks outside of an element, by providing you an outclick event
- [svelte-zero-api]( lets you use SvelteKit APIs like client functions - with support for TypeScript
- [svelte-recaptcha-v2]( is a Google reCAPTCHA v2 implementation for Svelte SPA, SSR and sveltekit static sites.
- [Svelte Body]( lets you apply styles to the body in routes - designed to work with SvelteKit and Routify.
- [svelte-debug-console]( is a debug.js implementation for Svelte SPA, SSR and sveltekit static sites that lets you see your debug statements in the browser.
- [SVEO]( is a dependency-free approach to declare metadata on SvelteKit pages
- [@svelte-drama/suspense]( is a Svelte component that implements the core idea of React's `<Suspense>`. Also check out [SWR for Svelte]( to make refetching even easier.
- [sveltekit-adapter-browser-extension]( is an adapter for SvelteKit which turns your app into a cross-platform browser extension
Check out the community site []( for more tools, templates, adders and adapters from across the Svelte ecosystem.
Looking for more Svelte goodness? Join us on [Reddit]( or [Discord](!