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<!-- This file is generated by scripts/process-messages/index.js. Do not edit! -->
### bind_invalid_checkbox_value
Using `bind:value` together with a checkbox input is not allowed. Use `bind:checked` instead
### bind_invalid_export
Component %component% has an export named `%key%` that a consumer component is trying to access using `bind:%key%`, which is disallowed. Instead, use `bind:this` (e.g. `<%name% bind:this={component} />`) and then access the property on the bound component instance (e.g. `component.%key%`)
### bind_not_bindable
A component is attempting to bind to a non-bindable property `%key%` belonging to %component% (i.e. `<%name% bind:%key%={...}>`). To mark a property as bindable: `let { %key% = $bindable() } = $props()`
### component_api_changed
%parent% called `%method%` on an instance of %component%, which is no longer valid in Svelte 5. See for more information
### component_api_invalid_new
Attempted to instantiate %component% with `new %name%`, which is no longer valid in Svelte 5. If this component is not under your control, set the `compatibility.componentApi` compiler option to `4` to keep it working. See for more information
### derived_references_self
A derived value cannot reference itself recursively
### each_key_duplicate
Keyed each block has duplicate key at indexes %a% and %b%
Keyed each block has duplicate key `%value%` at indexes %a% and %b%
### effect_in_teardown
`%rune%` cannot be used inside an effect cleanup function
### effect_in_unowned_derived
Effect cannot be created inside a `$derived` value that was not itself created inside an effect
### effect_orphan
`%rune%` can only be used inside an effect (e.g. during component initialisation)
### effect_update_depth_exceeded
Maximum update depth exceeded. This can happen when a reactive block or effect repeatedly sets a new value. Svelte limits the number of nested updates to prevent infinite loops
### hydration_failed
Failed to hydrate the application
### invalid_snippet
Could not `{@render}` snippet due to the expression being `null` or `undefined`. Consider using optional chaining `{@render snippet?.()}`
### lifecycle_legacy_only
`%name%(...)` cannot be used in runes mode
### props_invalid_value
Cannot do `bind:%key%={undefined}` when `%key%` has a fallback value
### props_rest_readonly
Rest element properties of `$props()` such as `%property%` are readonly
### rune_outside_svelte
The `%rune%` rune is only available inside `.svelte` and `.svelte.js/ts` files
### state_descriptors_fixed
Property descriptors defined on `$state` objects must contain `value` and always be `enumerable`, `configurable` and `writable`.
### state_prototype_fixed
Cannot set prototype of `$state` object
### state_unsafe_local_read
Reading state that was created inside the same derived is forbidden. Consider using `untrack` to read locally created state
### state_unsafe_mutation
Updating state inside a derived or a template expression is forbidden. If the value should not be reactive, declare it without `$state`