# Spring Cloud Polaris Quickstart example English | [简体中文](./README-zh.md) --- ## Introduction This example shows how to make application integrated with spring-cloud-tencent rapidly. ## Instruction ### Configuration Modify ```bootstrap.yml```, ${ip} and ${port} is the address of polaris server. ```yaml spring: application: name: EchoService cloud: polaris: address: grpc://${ip}:${port} ``` ### Start Application #### Start Provider - Start in IDEA Find main class ```EchoServerApplication``` in project ```polaris-quickstart-example/quickstart-provider```, and execute the main method. - Start by fatjar Run build command in ```polaris-quickstart-example/quickstart-provider```: ```sh mvn clean package ``` find the generated fatjar, run: ``` java -jar ${app.jar} ``` ${app.jar} replace to the built jar name. #### Start Consumer - Start in IDEA Find main class ```EchoClientApplication``` in project ```polaris-quickstart-example/quickstart-consumer```, and execute the main method. - Start by fatjar Run build command in ```polaris-quickstart-example/quickstart-consumer```: ```sh mvn clean package ``` find the generated fatjar, run: ``` java -jar ${app.jar} ``` ${app.jar} replace to the built jar name. ### Verify #### Invoke by http call Consumer and Provider application use random generated port, so you need to record the consumer port from start log. ``` 11:26:53 [main] INFO o.s.b.w.e.tomcat.TomcatWebServer - Tomcat started on port(s): 58838 (http) with context path '' ``` Invoke http call,replace `${app.port}` to the consumer port. ```shell curl -L -X GET 'http://localhost:47080/quickstart/feign?msg=hello_world'' ``` expect:`echo: hello_world`