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# Change Log
- [Optimize:optimize SpringValueProcessor.](
- [Optimize: Register the service with the ProviderAPI#registerInstance method.](
- [Optimize:optimize spring annotation.](
- [docs:update PR template.](
- [Code optimize & add junit tests.](
- [Test:support environment variable metadata test](
- [upgrade protobuf-java.version to 3.21.7](
- [docs:update README.](
- [Code optimization & correct comment](
- [fix:fix javadoc.](
- [fix:fix discovery junit.](
- [adapt polaris-java 1.10.1 version](
- [Optimize: change RouteArgument.buildCustom to RouteArgument.fromLabel](
- [Optimize: support delete config for ConfigurationProperties bean](
- [Bugfix: get service instances by Flux.blockLast() to resolve concurrent problem](
- [Test:add sct-stater-polaris-router juint.](
- [Feature: support nacos registry](
- [Bugfix: fix reactor concurrent bug when get instances & fix spring-retry fuse not working bug](
- [Fix issue: prompt no registration if web dependence was not imported.](
- [set reporter.enabled default to true](
- [fix:fix nacos enabled condition bugs.](
- [fix:fix instance's weight hard code to 100 bug.](
- [feat:update getPort method of PolarisRegistration.](
- [fix:fix some compile output issues.](