Brett Morgan
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Veggie Seasons
An iOS app that shows which fruits and vegetables are currently in season. It showcases Flutter's Cupertino package.
Available now in the App Store!
NOTE: While Flutter supports many platforms, this application is designed specifically for iOS. It's not intended to be run on Android, web, or desktop.
- Show how to build an interface that iOS users will feel right at home with.
- Show how Flutter's Cupertino widgets work together.
The important bits
These are the screens presented in the app, roughly analogous to
UIViewControllers. HomeScreen
is the root, and the others are shown
as the user navigates.
An example of how to construct an Cupertino-style search bar. The Flutter team is working on an official widget for this. Once that effort is complete, developers will not need to roll their own search bars, so to speak.
If you have a general question about any of the techniques you see in the sample, the best places to go are:
If you run into an issue with the sample itself, please file an issue in the main Flutter repo.