
87 lines
2.6 KiB

// Copyright 2020 The Flutter team. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:html/parser.dart' show parse;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:samples_index/src/data.dart';
/// Utilities for generating cookbook article data
import 'package:webdriver/io.dart';
class CookbookScraper {
late WebDriver _driver;
Future init() async {
_driver = await createDriver(desired: <String, dynamic>{});
Future dispose() async {
await _driver.quit();
Future<List<String>> fetchCookbookLinks() async {
var flutterUrl = '';
var url = Uri.parse('$flutterUrl/docs/cookbook');
await _driver.get(url);
var pageContent = await _driver.pageSource;
var page = parse(pageContent);
var links = page.querySelectorAll('main>.container>ul>li>a');
return => '$flutterUrl${e.attributes["href"]}').toList();
Future<Sample> getMetadata(String url) async {
await _driver.get(Uri.parse(url));
var pageContent = await _driver.pageSource;
var page = parse(pageContent);
var search = 'main>.container>header>h1';
var h1 = page.querySelector(search);
if (h1 == null) {
throw ('Could not find match for $search on page $url');
var name = h1.text;
var description = page.querySelectorAll('main>.container>p').first.text;
var urlSegments = Uri.parse(url).pathSegments;
var category = urlSegments[urlSegments.length - 2];
return Sample(
name: name,
description: description,
author: 'Flutter',
type: 'cookbook',
screenshots: [Screenshot(screenshotPath(url), 'Cookbook article')],
tags: ['cookbook', category],
source: url,
difficulty: 'advanced',
Future takeScreenshot(String url) async {
var screenshot = await _driver.captureScreenshotAsList();
var file = File('web/${screenshotPath(url)}');
await file.create(recursive: true);
await file.writeAsBytes(screenshot);
String screenshotPath(String url) {
var filename = parseFileName(url);
return 'images/cookbook/$filename.png';
/// Parses a filename from a cookbook link. E.g.
/// `` changes
/// to `returning_data.png`
String parseFileName(String link) {
var p = path.basename(link);
var dot = p.indexOf('.');
var detailName = p.substring(0, dot);
// var categoryName = path.split(link);
var components = path.split(link);
var categoryName = components[components.length - 2];
return '$categoryName-$detailName';