You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

49 lines
1.5 KiB

import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
Future<void> main() async {
await fixBaseTags();
/// Changes each sample's `<base href="/">` tag in index.html to
/// `<base href="/samples/web/<SAMPLE_DIR_NAME>/">`
/// For example, after building using `build_ci.dart,
/// `../samples_index/public/web/navigation_and_routing/index.html` should
/// contain `<base href="/samples/web/navigation_and_routing/">
Future<void> fixBaseTags() async {
print('currentDir = ${Directory.current.path}');
var builtSamplesDir = Directory(p.joinAll([
// Parent directory
// path to built samples
if (!await builtSamplesDir.exists()) {
print('${builtSamplesDir.path} does not exist.');
await for (var builtSample in builtSamplesDir.list()) {
if (builtSample is Directory) {
var index = File(p.join(builtSample.path, 'index.html'));
if (!await index.exists()) {
throw ('no index.html file found in ${builtSample.path}');
var sampleDirName = p.split(builtSample.path).last;
if (await index.exists()) {
final regex = RegExp('<base href="(.*)">');
var contents = await index.readAsString();
if (!contents.contains(regex)) {
var newContents = contents.replaceFirst(
regex, '<base href="/samples/web/$sampleDirName/">');
await index.writeAsString(newContents);