As part of the work for the compass-app / architecture examples
This PR is considerably large, so apologies for that, but as it contains
the first feature there is a lot of set up work involved.
Could be easier to review by opening the project on the IDE.
**Merge to `compass-app` not `main`**
cc. @ericwindmill
### Details
#### Folder structure
The project follows this folder structure:
- `lib/config/`: Put here any configuration files.
- `lib/config/dependencies.dart`: Configures the dependency tree (i.e.
- `lib/data/models/`: Data classes
- `lib/data/repositories/`: Data repositories
- `lib/data/services/`: Data services (e.g. network API client)
- `lib/routing`: Everything related to navigation (could be moved to
- `lib/ui/core/themes`: several theming classes are here: colors, text
styles and the app theme.
- `lib/ui/core/ui`: widget components to use across the app
- `lib/ui/<feature>/view_models`: ViewModels for the feature.
- `lib/ui/<feature>/widgets`: Widgets for the feature.
Unit tests also follow the same structure.
#### State Management
Most importantly, the project uses MVVM approach using `ChangeNotifier`
with the help of Provider.
This could be implemented without Provider or using any other way to
inject the VM into the UI classes.
#### Architecture approach
- Data follows a unidirectional flow from Repository -> Usecase ->
ViewModel -> Widgets -> User.
- The provided data Repository is using local data from the `assets`
folder, an abstract class is provided to hide this implementation detail
to the Usecase, and also to allow multiple implementations in the
### Screenshots

### Extra notes:
- Moved the app code to the `app` folder. We need to create a `server`
project eventually.
### TODO:
- Integrate a logging framework instead of using `print()`.
- Do proper error handling.
- Improve image loading and caching.
- Complete tests with edge-cases and errors.
- Better Desktop UI.
## Pre-launch Checklist
- [x] I read the [Flutter Style Guide] _recently_, and have followed its
- [x] I signed the [CLA].
- [x] I read the [Contributors Guide].
- [x] I updated/added relevant documentation (doc comments with `///`).
- [x] All existing and new tests are passing.
If you need help, consider asking for advice on the #hackers-devrel
channel on [Discord].
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