You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

135 lines
4.2 KiB

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:google_fonts/google_fonts.dart';
abstract class MarketplaceTheme {
static ThemeData theme = ThemeData(
fontFamily: GoogleFonts.lexend().fontFamily,
textTheme: GoogleFonts.lexendTextTheme().copyWith().apply(
bodyColor: const Color(0xff000000),
displayColor: const Color(0xff000000)),
colorScheme: const ColorScheme.light(
primary: Color(0xffA2E3F6),
secondary: Color(0xff4FAD85),
tertiary: Color(0xffDE7A60),
scrim: Color(0xffFFABC7),
surface: Color(0xffFDF7F0),
onSecondary: Color(0xff000000),
shadow: Color(0xffAEAEAE),
onPrimary: Color(0xffFFFFFF),
useMaterial3: true,
canvasColor: Colors.transparent,
navigationBarTheme: NavigationBarThemeData(
indicatorColor: const Color(0xffA2E3F6),
indicatorShape: CircleBorder(
side: BorderSide.lerp(
const BorderSide(
color: Color(0xff000000),
width: 2,
const BorderSide(
color: Color(0xff000000),
width: 2,
static const Color primary = Color(0xffA2E3F6);
static const Color scrim = Color(0xffFFABC7);
static const Color tertiary = Color(0xffDE7A60);
static const Color secondary = Color(0xff4FAD85);
static const Color borderColor = Colors.black12;
static const Color focusedBorderColor = Colors.black45;
static const double defaultBorderRadius = 16;
static const double defaultTextSize = 16;
static const Color defaultTextColor = Colors.black87;
static TextStyle get heading1 => theme.textTheme.headlineLarge!.copyWith(
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
fontSize: 28,
//height: 36,
color: theme.colorScheme.onSecondary,
static TextStyle get heading2 => theme.textTheme.headlineMedium!.copyWith(
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
fontSize: 24,
//height: 32,
color: theme.colorScheme.onSecondary,
static TextStyle get heading3 => theme.textTheme.headlineSmall!.copyWith(
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
fontSize: 18,
//height: 24,
color: theme.colorScheme.onSecondary,
static TextStyle get subheading1 => theme.textTheme.bodyLarge!.copyWith(
fontWeight: FontWeight.normal,
fontSize: 18,
//height: 20,
color: theme.colorScheme.onSecondary,
static TextStyle get subheading2 => theme.textTheme.bodyMedium!.copyWith(
fontWeight: FontWeight.normal,
fontSize: 14,
//height: 18,
color: theme.colorScheme.onSecondary,
static TextStyle get paragraph => theme.textTheme.bodySmall!.copyWith(
fontWeight: FontWeight.normal,
fontSize: 14,
//height: 18,
color: theme.colorScheme.onSecondary,
static TextStyle get label => theme.textTheme.labelSmall!.copyWith(
fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
fontSize: 11,
//height: 16,
color: theme.colorScheme.onSecondary,
static TextStyle get dossierParagraph => GoogleFonts.anonymousPro().copyWith(
fontWeight: FontWeight.normal,
fontSize: 14,
//height: 18,
color: theme.colorScheme.onSecondary,
static TextStyle get dossierSubheading => GoogleFonts.anonymousPro().copyWith(
fontWeight: FontWeight.normal,
fontSize: 18,
//height: 18,
color: theme.colorScheme.onSecondary,
static TextStyle get dossierHeading => GoogleFonts.anonymousPro().copyWith(
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
fontSize: 28,
//height: 18,
color: theme.colorScheme.onSecondary,
static const double _spacingUnit = 8;
static const double spacing8 = _spacingUnit / 2;
static const double spacing7 = _spacingUnit;
static const double spacing6 = _spacingUnit * 1.5;
static const double spacing5 = _spacingUnit * 2;
static const double spacing4 = _spacingUnit * 2.5;
static const double spacing3 = _spacingUnit * 3;
static const double spacing2 = _spacingUnit * 3.5;
static const double spacing1 = _spacingUnit * 4;
static double lineWidth = 1;
static const Widget verticalSpacer = SizedBox(height: spacing5);