// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // // This file has been automatically generated. Please do not edit it manually. // To regenerate the file, use the SDK script // "pkg/analyzer/tool/summary/generate.dart $IDL_FILE_PATH", // or "pkg/analyzer/tool/generate_files" for the analyzer package IDL/sources. /// Enum of declaration kinds in available files. enum AvailableDeclarationKind : byte { CLASS, CLASS_TYPE_ALIAS, CONSTRUCTOR, ENUM, ENUM_CONSTANT, EXTENSION, FIELD, FUNCTION, FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS, GETTER, METHOD, MIXIN, SETTER, VARIABLE } /// Enum representing nullability suffixes in summaries. /// /// This enum is similar to [NullabilitySuffix], but the order is different so /// that [EntityRefNullabilitySuffix.starOrIrrelevant] can be the default. enum EntityRefNullabilitySuffix : byte { /// An indication that the canonical representation of the type under /// consideration ends with `*`. Types having this nullability suffix are /// called "legacy types"; it has not yet been determined whether they should /// be unioned with the Null type. /// /// Also used in circumstances where no nullability suffix information is /// needed. starOrIrrelevant, /// An indication that the canonical representation of the type under /// consideration ends with `?`. Types having this nullability suffix should /// be interpreted as being unioned with the Null type. question, /// An indication that the canonical representation of the type under /// consideration does not end with either `?` or `*`. none } /// Enum used to indicate the kind of an index relation. enum IndexRelationKind : byte { /// Left: class. /// Is ancestor of (is extended or implemented, directly or indirectly). /// Right: other class declaration. IS_ANCESTOR_OF, /// Left: class. /// Is extended by. /// Right: other class declaration. IS_EXTENDED_BY, /// Left: class. /// Is implemented by. /// Right: other class declaration. IS_IMPLEMENTED_BY, /// Left: class. /// Is mixed into. /// Right: other class declaration. IS_MIXED_IN_BY, /// Left: method, property accessor, function, variable. /// Is invoked at. /// Right: location. IS_INVOKED_BY, /// Left: any element. /// Is referenced (and not invoked, read/written) at. /// Right: location. IS_REFERENCED_BY, /// Left: unresolved member name. /// Is read at. /// Right: location. IS_READ_BY, /// Left: unresolved member name. /// Is both read and written at. /// Right: location. IS_READ_WRITTEN_BY, /// Left: unresolved member name. /// Is written at. /// Right: location. IS_WRITTEN_BY } /// When we need to reference a synthetic element in [PackageIndex] we use a /// value of this enum to specify which kind of the synthetic element we /// actually reference. enum IndexSyntheticElementKind : byte { /// Not a synthetic element. notSynthetic, /// The unnamed synthetic constructor a class element. constructor, /// The synthetic field element. field, /// The synthetic getter of a property introducing element. getter, /// The synthetic setter of a property introducing element. setter, /// The synthetic top-level variable element. topLevelVariable, /// The synthetic `loadLibrary` element. loadLibrary, /// The synthetic `index` getter of an enum. enumIndex, /// The synthetic `values` getter of an enum. enumValues, /// The synthetic `toString` method of an enum. enumToString, /// The containing unit itself. unit } /// Types of comments. enum LinkedNodeCommentType : byte { block, documentation, endOfLine } /// Kinds of formal parameters. enum LinkedNodeFormalParameterKind : byte { requiredPositional, optionalPositional, optionalNamed, requiredNamed } /// Kinds of [LinkedNode]. enum LinkedNodeKind : byte { adjacentStrings, annotation, argumentList, asExpression, assertInitializer, assertStatement, assignmentExpression, awaitExpression, binaryExpression, block, blockFunctionBody, booleanLiteral, breakStatement, cascadeExpression, catchClause, classDeclaration, classTypeAlias, comment, commentReference, compilationUnit, conditionalExpression, configuration, constructorDeclaration, constructorFieldInitializer, constructorName, continueStatement, declaredIdentifier, defaultFormalParameter, doubleLiteral, doStatement, dottedName, emptyFunctionBody, emptyStatement, enumConstantDeclaration, enumDeclaration, exportDirective, expressionFunctionBody, expressionStatement, extendsClause, extensionDeclaration, fieldDeclaration, fieldFormalParameter, formalParameterList, forEachPartsWithDeclaration, forEachPartsWithIdentifier, forElement, forPartsWithDeclarations, forPartsWithExpression, forStatement, functionDeclaration, functionDeclarationStatement, functionExpression, functionExpressionInvocation, functionTypeAlias, functionTypedFormalParameter, genericFunctionType, genericTypeAlias, hideCombinator, ifElement, ifStatement, implementsClause, importDirective, instanceCreationExpression, indexExpression, integerLiteral, interpolationExpression, interpolationString, isExpression, label, labeledStatement, libraryDirective, libraryIdentifier, listLiteral, mapLiteralEntry, methodDeclaration, methodInvocation, mixinDeclaration, namedExpression, nativeClause, nativeFunctionBody, nullLiteral, onClause, parenthesizedExpression, partDirective, partOfDirective, postfixExpression, prefixExpression, prefixedIdentifier, propertyAccess, redirectingConstructorInvocation, rethrowExpression, returnStatement, setOrMapLiteral, showCombinator, simpleFormalParameter, simpleIdentifier, simpleStringLiteral, spreadElement, stringInterpolation, superConstructorInvocation, superExpression, switchCase, switchDefault, switchStatement, symbolLiteral, thisExpression, throwExpression, topLevelVariableDeclaration, tryStatement, typeArgumentList, typeName, typeParameter, typeParameterList, variableDeclaration, variableDeclarationList, variableDeclarationStatement, whileStatement, withClause, yieldStatement, extensionOverride } /// Kinds of [LinkedNodeType]s. enum LinkedNodeTypeKind : byte { bottom, dynamic_, function, interface, typeParameter, void_ } /// Enum used to indicate the kind of the error during top-level inference. enum TopLevelInferenceErrorKind : byte { assignment, instanceGetter, dependencyCycle, overrideConflictFieldType, overrideNoCombinedSuperSignature } /// Enum of token types, corresponding to AST token types. enum UnlinkedTokenType : byte { NOTHING, ABSTRACT, AMPERSAND, AMPERSAND_AMPERSAND, AMPERSAND_EQ, AS, ASSERT, ASYNC, AT, AWAIT, BACKPING, BACKSLASH, BANG, BANG_EQ, BANG_EQ_EQ, BAR, BAR_BAR, BAR_EQ, BREAK, CARET, CARET_EQ, CASE, CATCH, CLASS, CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET, CLOSE_PAREN, CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET, COLON, COMMA, CONST, CONTINUE, COVARIANT, DEFAULT, DEFERRED, DO, DOUBLE, DYNAMIC, ELSE, ENUM, EOF, EQ, EQ_EQ, EQ_EQ_EQ, EXPORT, EXTENDS, EXTERNAL, FACTORY, FALSE, FINAL, FINALLY, FOR, FUNCTION, FUNCTION_KEYWORD, GET, GT, GT_EQ, GT_GT, GT_GT_EQ, GT_GT_GT, GT_GT_GT_EQ, HASH, HEXADECIMAL, HIDE, IDENTIFIER, IF, IMPLEMENTS, IMPORT, IN, INDEX, INDEX_EQ, INT, INTERFACE, IS, LATE, LIBRARY, LT, LT_EQ, LT_LT, LT_LT_EQ, MINUS, MINUS_EQ, MINUS_MINUS, MIXIN, MULTI_LINE_COMMENT, NATIVE, NEW, NULL, OF, ON, OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET, OPEN_PAREN, OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET, OPERATOR, PART, PATCH, PERCENT, PERCENT_EQ, PERIOD, PERIOD_PERIOD, PERIOD_PERIOD_PERIOD, PERIOD_PERIOD_PERIOD_QUESTION, PLUS, PLUS_EQ, PLUS_PLUS, QUESTION, QUESTION_PERIOD, QUESTION_QUESTION, QUESTION_QUESTION_EQ, REQUIRED, RETHROW, RETURN, SCRIPT_TAG, SEMICOLON, SET, SHOW, SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT, SLASH, SLASH_EQ, SOURCE, STAR, STAR_EQ, STATIC, STRING, STRING_INTERPOLATION_EXPRESSION, STRING_INTERPOLATION_IDENTIFIER, SUPER, SWITCH, SYNC, THIS, THROW, TILDE, TILDE_SLASH, TILDE_SLASH_EQ, TRUE, TRY, TYPEDEF, VAR, VOID, WHILE, WITH, YIELD, INOUT, OUT } /// Information about the context of an exception in analysis driver. table AnalysisDriverExceptionContext { /// The exception string. exception:string (id: 1); /// The state of files when the exception happened. files:[AnalysisDriverExceptionFile] (id: 3); /// The path of the file being analyzed when the exception happened. path:string (id: 0); /// The exception stack trace string. stackTrace:string (id: 2); } /// Information about a single file in [AnalysisDriverExceptionContext]. table AnalysisDriverExceptionFile { /// The content of the file. content:string (id: 1); /// The path of the file. path:string (id: 0); } /// Information about a resolved unit. table AnalysisDriverResolvedUnit { /// The full list of analysis errors, both syntactic and semantic. errors:[AnalysisDriverUnitError] (id: 0); /// The index of the unit. index:AnalysisDriverUnitIndex (id: 1); } /// Information about a subtype of one or more classes. table AnalysisDriverSubtype { /// The names of defined instance members. /// They are indexes into [AnalysisDriverUnitError.strings] list. /// The list is sorted in ascending order. members:[uint] (id: 1); /// The name of the class. /// It is an index into [AnalysisDriverUnitError.strings] list. name:uint (id: 0); } /// Information about an error in a resolved unit. table AnalysisDriverUnitError { /// The context messages associated with the error. contextMessages:[DiagnosticMessage] (id: 5); /// The optional correction hint for the error. correction:string (id: 4); /// The length of the error in the file. length:uint (id: 1); /// The message of the error. message:string (id: 3); /// The offset from the beginning of the file. offset:uint (id: 0); /// The unique name of the error code. uniqueName:string (id: 2); } /// Information about a resolved unit. table AnalysisDriverUnitIndex { /// Each item of this list corresponds to a unique referenced element. It is /// the kind of the synthetic element. elementKinds:[IndexSyntheticElementKind] (id: 4); /// Each item of this list corresponds to a unique referenced element. It is /// the identifier of the class member element name, or `null` if the element /// is a top-level element. The list is sorted in ascending order, so that /// the client can quickly check whether an element is referenced in this /// index. elementNameClassMemberIds:[uint] (id: 7); /// Each item of this list corresponds to a unique referenced element. It is /// the identifier of the named parameter name, or `null` if the element is /// not a named parameter. The list is sorted in ascending order, so that the /// client can quickly check whether an element is referenced in this index. elementNameParameterIds:[uint] (id: 8); /// Each item of this list corresponds to a unique referenced element. It is /// the identifier of the top-level element name, or `null` if the element is /// the unit. The list is sorted in ascending order, so that the client can /// quickly check whether an element is referenced in this index. elementNameUnitMemberIds:[uint] (id: 6); /// Each item of this list corresponds to a unique referenced element. It is /// the index into [unitLibraryUris] and [unitUnitUris] for the library /// specific unit where the element is declared. elementUnits:[uint] (id: 5); /// Identifier of the null string in [strings]. nullStringId:uint (id: 1); /// List of unique element strings used in this index. The list is sorted in /// ascending order, so that the client can quickly check the presence of a /// string in this index. strings:[string] (id: 0); /// The list of classes declared in the unit. subtypes:[AnalysisDriverSubtype] (id: 19); /// The identifiers of supertypes of elements at corresponding indexes /// in [subtypes]. They are indexes into [strings] list. The list is sorted /// in ascending order. There might be more than one element with the same /// value if there is more than one subtype of this supertype. supertypes:[uint] (id: 18); /// Each item of this list corresponds to the library URI of a unique library /// specific unit referenced in the index. It is an index into [strings] /// list. unitLibraryUris:[uint] (id: 2); /// Each item of this list corresponds to the unit URI of a unique library /// specific unit referenced in the index. It is an index into [strings] /// list. unitUnitUris:[uint] (id: 3); /// Each item of this list is the `true` if the corresponding element usage /// is qualified with some prefix. usedElementIsQualifiedFlags:[ubyte] (id: 13); /// Each item of this list is the kind of the element usage. usedElementKinds:[IndexRelationKind] (id: 10); /// Each item of this list is the length of the element usage. usedElementLengths:[uint] (id: 12); /// Each item of this list is the offset of the element usage relative to the /// beginning of the file. usedElementOffsets:[uint] (id: 11); /// Each item of this list is the index into [elementUnits], /// [elementNameUnitMemberIds], [elementNameClassMemberIds] and /// [elementNameParameterIds]. The list is sorted in ascending order, so /// that the client can quickly find element references in this index. usedElements:[uint] (id: 9); /// Each item of this list is the `true` if the corresponding name usage /// is qualified with some prefix. usedNameIsQualifiedFlags:[ubyte] (id: 17); /// Each item of this list is the kind of the name usage. usedNameKinds:[IndexRelationKind] (id: 15); /// Each item of this list is the offset of the name usage relative to the /// beginning of the file. usedNameOffsets:[uint] (id: 16); /// Each item of this list is the index into [strings] for a used name. The /// list is sorted in ascending order, so that the client can quickly find /// whether a name is used in this index. usedNames:[uint] (id: 14); } /// Information about an unlinked unit. table AnalysisDriverUnlinkedUnit { /// List of class member names defined by the unit. definedClassMemberNames:[string] (id: 2); /// List of top-level names defined by the unit. definedTopLevelNames:[string] (id: 1); /// List of external names referenced by the unit. referencedNames:[string] (id: 0); /// List of names which are used in `extends`, `with` or `implements` clauses /// in the file. Import prefixes and type arguments are not included. subtypedNames:[string] (id: 3); /// Unlinked information for the unit. unit2:UnlinkedUnit2 (id: 4); } /// Information about a single declaration. table AvailableDeclaration { children:[AvailableDeclaration] (id: 0); codeLength:uint (id: 1); codeOffset:uint (id: 2); defaultArgumentListString:string (id: 3); defaultArgumentListTextRanges:[uint] (id: 4); docComplete:string (id: 5); docSummary:string (id: 6); fieldMask:uint (id: 7); isAbstract:bool (id: 8); isConst:bool (id: 9); isDeprecated:bool (id: 10); isFinal:bool (id: 11); isStatic:bool (id: 12); /// The kind of the declaration. kind:AvailableDeclarationKind (id: 13); locationOffset:uint (id: 14); locationStartColumn:uint (id: 15); locationStartLine:uint (id: 16); /// The first part of the declaration name, usually the only one, for example /// the name of a class like `MyClass`, or a function like `myFunction`. name:string (id: 17); parameterNames:[string] (id: 18); parameters:string (id: 19); parameterTypes:[string] (id: 20); /// The partial list of relevance tags. Not every declaration has one (for /// example, function do not currently), and not every declaration has to /// store one (for classes it can be computed when we know the library that /// includes this file). relevanceTags:[string] (id: 21); requiredParameterCount:uint (id: 22); returnType:string (id: 23); typeParameters:string (id: 24); } /// Information about an available, even if not yet imported file. table AvailableFile { /// Declarations of the file. declarations:[AvailableDeclaration] (id: 0); /// The Dartdoc directives in the file. directiveInfo:DirectiveInfo (id: 1); /// Exports directives of the file. exports:[AvailableFileExport] (id: 2); /// Is `true` if this file is a library. isLibrary:bool (id: 3); /// Is `true` if this file is a library, and it is deprecated. isLibraryDeprecated:bool (id: 4); /// Offsets of the first character of each line in the source code. lineStarts:[uint] (id: 5); /// URIs of `part` directives. parts:[string] (id: 6); } /// Information about an export directive. table AvailableFileExport { /// Combinators contained in this export directive. combinators:[AvailableFileExportCombinator] (id: 1); /// URI of the exported library. uri:string (id: 0); } /// Information about a `show` or `hide` combinator in an export directive. table AvailableFileExportCombinator { /// List of names which are hidden. Empty if this is a `show` combinator. hides:[string] (id: 1); /// List of names which are shown. Empty if this is a `hide` combinator. shows:[string] (id: 0); } /// Information about linked libraries, a group of libraries that form /// a library cycle. table CiderLinkedLibraryCycle { bundle:LinkedNodeBundle (id: 1); /// The hash signature for this linked cycle. It depends of API signatures /// of all files in the cycle, and on the signatures of the transitive /// closure of the cycle dependencies. signature:[uint] (id: 0); } /// Errors for a single unit. table CiderUnitErrors { errors:[AnalysisDriverUnitError] (id: 1); /// The hash signature of this data. signature:[uint] (id: 0); } /// Information about a compilation unit, contains the content hash /// and unlinked summary. table CiderUnlinkedUnit { /// The hash signature of the contents of the file. contentDigest:[uint] (id: 0); /// Unlinked summary of the compilation unit. unlinkedUnit:UnlinkedUnit2 (id: 1); } table DiagnosticMessage { /// The absolute and normalized path of the file associated with this message. filePath:string (id: 0); /// The length of the source range associated with this message. length:uint (id: 1); /// The text of the message. message:string (id: 2); /// The zero-based offset from the start of the file to the beginning of the /// source range associated with this message. offset:uint (id: 3); } /// Information about the Dartdoc directives in an [AvailableFile]. table DirectiveInfo { /// The names of the defined templates. templateNames:[string] (id: 0); /// The values of the defined templates. templateValues:[string] (id: 1); } table LinkedLanguageVersion { major:uint (id: 0); minor:uint (id: 1); } table LinkedLibraryLanguageVersion { override2:LinkedLanguageVersion (id: 1); package:LinkedLanguageVersion (id: 0); } /// Information about a linked AST node. table LinkedNode { /// The explicit or inferred return type of a function typed node. variantField_24:LinkedNodeType (id: 24); variantField_2:[LinkedNode] (id: 2); variantField_4:[LinkedNode] (id: 4); variantField_6:LinkedNode (id: 6); variantField_7:LinkedNode (id: 7); variantField_17:uint (id: 17); variantField_8:LinkedNode (id: 8); variantField_38:LinkedNodeTypeSubstitution (id: 38); variantField_15:uint (id: 15); variantField_28:UnlinkedTokenType (id: 28); variantField_27:bool (id: 27); variantField_9:LinkedNode (id: 9); variantField_12:LinkedNode (id: 12); variantField_5:[LinkedNode] (id: 5); variantField_13:LinkedNode (id: 13); variantField_33:[string] (id: 33); variantField_29:LinkedNodeCommentType (id: 29); variantField_3:[LinkedNode] (id: 3); /// The language version information. variantField_40:LinkedLibraryLanguageVersion (id: 40); variantField_10:LinkedNode (id: 10); variantField_26:LinkedNodeFormalParameterKind (id: 26); variantField_21:double (id: 21); variantField_25:LinkedNodeType (id: 25); variantField_20:string (id: 20); variantField_39:[LinkedNodeType] (id: 39); flags:uint (id: 18); variantField_1:string (id: 1); variantField_36:uint (id: 36); variantField_16:uint (id: 16); variantField_30:string (id: 30); variantField_14:LinkedNode (id: 14); kind:LinkedNodeKind (id: 0); variantField_31:bool (id: 31); variantField_34:[string] (id: 34); name:string (id: 37); variantField_35:UnlinkedTokenType (id: 35); variantField_32:TopLevelInferenceError (id: 32); variantField_23:LinkedNodeType (id: 23); variantField_11:LinkedNode (id: 11); variantField_22:string (id: 22); variantField_19:uint (id: 19); } /// Information about a group of libraries linked together, for example because /// they form a single cycle, or because they represent a single build artifact. table LinkedNodeBundle { libraries:[LinkedNodeLibrary] (id: 1); /// The shared list of references used in the [libraries]. references:LinkedNodeReferences (id: 0); } /// Information about a single library in a [LinkedNodeBundle]. table LinkedNodeLibrary { exports:[uint] (id: 2); name:string (id: 3); nameLength:uint (id: 5); nameOffset:uint (id: 4); units:[LinkedNodeUnit] (id: 1); uriStr:string (id: 0); } /// Flattened tree of declarations referenced from [LinkedNode]s. table LinkedNodeReferences { name:[string] (id: 1); parent:[uint] (id: 0); } /// Information about a Dart type. table LinkedNodeType { functionFormalParameters:[LinkedNodeTypeFormalParameter] (id: 0); functionReturnType:LinkedNodeType (id: 1); /// The typedef this function type is created for. functionTypedef:uint (id: 9); functionTypedefTypeArguments:[LinkedNodeType] (id: 10); functionTypeParameters:[LinkedNodeTypeTypeParameter] (id: 2); /// Reference to a [LinkedNodeReferences]. interfaceClass:uint (id: 3); interfaceTypeArguments:[LinkedNodeType] (id: 4); kind:LinkedNodeTypeKind (id: 5); nullabilitySuffix:EntityRefNullabilitySuffix (id: 8); typeParameterElement:uint (id: 6); typeParameterId:uint (id: 7); } /// Information about a formal parameter in a function type. table LinkedNodeTypeFormalParameter { kind:LinkedNodeFormalParameterKind (id: 0); name:string (id: 1); type:LinkedNodeType (id: 2); } /// Information about a type substitution. table LinkedNodeTypeSubstitution { isLegacy:bool (id: 2); typeArguments:[LinkedNodeType] (id: 1); typeParameters:[uint] (id: 0); } /// Information about a type parameter in a function type. table LinkedNodeTypeTypeParameter { bound:LinkedNodeType (id: 1); name:string (id: 0); } /// Information about a single library in a [LinkedNodeLibrary]. table LinkedNodeUnit { isNNBD:bool (id: 3); isSynthetic:bool (id: 2); node:LinkedNode (id: 1); /// If the unit is a part, the URI specified in the `part` directive. /// Otherwise empty. partUriStr:string (id: 4); /// The absolute URI. uriStr:string (id: 0); } /// Summary information about a package. table PackageBundle { /// The version 2 of the summary. bundle2:LinkedNodeBundle (id: 0); /// The SDK specific data, if this bundle is for SDK. sdk:PackageBundleSdk (id: 1); } /// Summary information about a package. table PackageBundleSdk { /// The content of the `allowed_experiments.json` from SDK. allowedExperimentsJson:string (id: 0); } /// Summary information about a top-level type inference error. table TopLevelInferenceError { /// The [kind] specific arguments. arguments:[string] (id: 1); /// The kind of the error. kind:TopLevelInferenceErrorKind (id: 0); } table UnlinkedInformativeData { variantField_2:uint (id: 2); variantField_3:uint (id: 3); variantField_9:uint (id: 9); variantField_8:uint (id: 8); /// Offsets of the first character of each line in the source code. variantField_7:[uint] (id: 7); variantField_6:uint (id: 6); variantField_5:uint (id: 5); /// If the parameter has a default value, the source text of the constant /// expression in the default value. Otherwise the empty string. variantField_10:string (id: 10); variantField_1:uint (id: 1); variantField_4:[string] (id: 4); /// The kind of the node. kind:LinkedNodeKind (id: 0); } /// Unlinked summary information about a namespace directive. table UnlinkedNamespaceDirective { /// The configurations that control which library will actually be used. configurations:[UnlinkedNamespaceDirectiveConfiguration] (id: 0); /// The URI referenced by this directive, nad used by default when none /// of the [configurations] matches. uri:string (id: 1); } /// Unlinked summary information about a namespace directive configuration. table UnlinkedNamespaceDirectiveConfiguration { /// The name of the declared variable used in the condition. name:string (id: 0); /// The URI to be used if the condition is true. uri:string (id: 2); /// The value to which the value of the declared variable will be compared, /// or the empty string if the condition does not include an equality test. value:string (id: 1); } /// Unlinked summary information about a compilation unit. table UnlinkedUnit2 { /// The MD5 hash signature of the API portion of this unit. It depends on all /// tokens that might affect APIs of declarations in the unit. apiSignature:[uint] (id: 0); /// URIs of `export` directives. exports:[UnlinkedNamespaceDirective] (id: 1); /// Is `true` if the unit contains a `library` directive. hasLibraryDirective:bool (id: 6); /// Is `true` if the unit contains a `part of` directive. hasPartOfDirective:bool (id: 3); /// URIs of `import` directives. imports:[UnlinkedNamespaceDirective] (id: 2); informativeData:[UnlinkedInformativeData] (id: 7); /// Offsets of the first character of each line in the source code. lineStarts:[uint] (id: 5); /// URI of the `part of` directive. partOfUri:string (id: 8); /// URIs of `part` directives. parts:[string] (id: 4); } root_type PackageBundle; file_identifier "PBdl";