
set -e

source "$DIR/flutter_ci_script_shared.sh"

flutter doctor -v

declare -ar PROJECT_NAMES=(
    # TODO(DomesticMouse): 'textScaleFactor' is deprecated and shouldn't be used.
    # "animations"
    # TODO(DomesticMouse): Dependency 'fluent_ui' fails to compile. https://github.com/bdlukaa/fluent_ui/issues/865
    # "desktop_photo_search/fluent_ui"
    # TODO(DomesticMouse): The function can't be unconditionally invoked because it can be 'null'.
    # "experimental/context_menus"
    # TODO(DomesticMouse): dart format required
    # "experimental/pedometer"
    # TODO(DomesticMouse): dart format required
    # "experimental/pedometer/example"
    # TODO(DomesticMouse): The type 'AppLifecycleState' is not exhaustively matched by the switch cases since it doesn't match 'AppLifecycleState.hidden'.
    # "game_template"
    # TODO(DomesticMouse: ComplexObjectView widget test Typical object is displayed correctly
    # "jsonexample"
    # TODO(DomesticMouse): The '!' will have no effect because the receiver can't be null.
    # "navigation_and_routing"
    # TODO(DomesticMouse): The named parameter 'onLiveTextInput' is required, but there's no corresponding argument.
    # "simplistic_editor"

ci_projects "master" "${PROJECT_NAMES[@]}"

echo "-- Success --"