# web_embedding This directory contains examples of how to embed Flutter in web apps (without iframes): * **element_embedding_demo**: Modifies the index.html of a flutter app so it is launched in a custom `hostElement`. This is the most basic embedding example. * **ng-flutter**: A simple Angular app (and component) that replicates the above example, but in an Angular style. Check the `README.md` of each example for more details on how to run it, and the "Points of Interest" it may contain. ## Community Contributions Members of the community have graciously ported and contributed the following examples of Flutter Web embedding into other web frameworks: | Author | Host Framework | Code | |--------|----------------|------| | [@p-mazhnik][] | **React JS** | [p-mazhnik/flutter-embedding cra-flutter][] | | [@p-mazhnik][] | **React Native** | [p-mazhnik/flutter-embedding expo-flutter][] | _(All contributions are welcome! Please, [create an issue][] or open a PR to let us know how you've embedded a Flutter Web app with your favorite web framework_ (Vue? Svelte? Ember? Aurelia? jQuery? MooTools? Prototype?), _so it can be added to the table above!)_ [@p-mazhnik]: https://github.com/p-mazhnik [p-mazhnik/flutter-embedding cra-flutter]: https://github.com/p-mazhnik/flutter-embedding/tree/main/cra-flutter [p-mazhnik/flutter-embedding expo-flutter]: https://github.com/p-mazhnik/flutter-embedding/tree/main/expo-flutter [create an issue]: https://github.com/flutter/samples/issues/new