// Copyright 2020 The Flutter team. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file import 'dart:io'; import 'package:samples_index/src/data.dart'; /// Utilities for generating cookbook article data import 'package:webdriver/io.dart'; import 'package:html/parser.dart' show parse; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; class CookbookScraper { WebDriver _driver; Future init() async { _driver = await createDriver(desired: {}); } Future dispose() async { await _driver.quit(); } Future> fetchCookbookLinks() async { var flutterUrl = 'https://flutter.dev'; var url = Uri.parse('$flutterUrl/docs/cookbook'); await _driver.get(url); var pageContent = await _driver.pageSource; var page = parse(pageContent); var links = page.querySelectorAll('main>.container>ul>li>a'); return links.map((e) => '$flutterUrl${e.attributes["href"]}').toList(); } Future getMetadata(String url) async { await _driver.get(Uri.parse(url)); var pageContent = await _driver.pageSource; var page = parse(pageContent); var name = page.querySelector('main>.container>header>h1').text; var description = page.querySelectorAll('main>.container>p').first.text; var urlSegments = Uri.parse(url).pathSegments; var category = urlSegments[urlSegments.length-2]; return Sample( name: name, description: description, author: 'Flutter', type: 'cookbook', screenshots: [Screenshot(screenshotPath(url), 'Cookbook article')], tags: ['cookbook', category], source: url, ); } Future takeScreenshot(String url) async { var screenshot = await _driver.captureScreenshotAsList(); var file = File('web${screenshotPath(url)}'); await file.create(recursive: true); await file.writeAsBytes(screenshot); } } String screenshotPath(String url) { var filename = parseFileName(url); return 'images/cookbook/$filename.png'; } /// Parses a filename from a cookbook link. E.g. /// `https://flutter.dev/docs/cookbook/navigation/returning-data.html` changes /// to `returning_data.png` String parseFileName(String link) { var p = path.basename(link); var dot = p.indexOf('.'); return p.substring(0, dot); }