import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart'; import 'constants.dart'; import 'context_menu_region.dart'; import 'platform_selector.dart'; // This example is based on the MenuBar docs example: // class CascadingMenuPage extends StatelessWidget { const CascadingMenuPage({ super.key, required this.onChangedPlatform, }); static const String route = 'cascading'; static const String title = 'Cascading Menu Example'; static const String subtitle = 'A context menu with nested submenus.'; final PlatformCallback onChangedPlatform; static const String url = '$kCodeUrl/anywhere_page.dart'; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: const Text(CascadingMenuPage.title), actions: [ PlatformSelector( onChangedPlatform: onChangedPlatform, ), IconButton( icon: const Icon(Icons.code), onPressed: () async { if (!await launchUrl(Uri.parse(url))) { throw 'Could not launch $url'; } }, ), ], ), body: const _MyContextMenuRegion(), ); } } class _MyContextMenuRegion extends StatefulWidget { const _MyContextMenuRegion(); @override State<_MyContextMenuRegion> createState() => _MyContextMenuRegionState(); } class _MyContextMenuRegionState extends State<_MyContextMenuRegion> { String? _lastSelection; Color get backgroundColor => _backgroundColor; Color _backgroundColor =; set backgroundColor(Color value) { if (_backgroundColor != value) { setState(() { _backgroundColor = value; }); } } bool get showingMessage => _showMessage; bool _showMessage = true; set showingMessage(bool value) { if (_showMessage != value) { setState(() { _showMessage = value; }); } } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return ContextMenuRegion( contextMenuBuilder: (context, primaryAnchor, [secondaryAnchor]) { return _MyCascadingContextMenu( anchor: primaryAnchor, showingMessage: _showMessage, onToggleMessageVisibility: () { setState(() { _showMessage = !_showMessage; }); }, onChangeBackgroundColor: (color) { setState(() { _backgroundColor = color; }); }, onChangeSelection: (selection) { setState(() { _lastSelection = selection; }); }, ); }, child: Container( alignment:, color: backgroundColor, child: Column( mainAxisAlignment:, children: [ Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(12.0), child: Text( showingMessage ? 'Right click or long press anywhere to show the cascading menu.' : '', style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headlineSmall, ), ), Text( _lastSelection != null ? 'Last Selected: $_lastSelection' : ''), ], ), ), ); } } /// A class for consolidating the definition of menu entries. /// /// This sort of class is not required, but illustrates one way that defining /// menus could be done. class MenuEntry { const MenuEntry( {required this.label, this.shortcut, this.onPressed, this.menuChildren}) : assert(menuChildren == null || onPressed == null, 'onPressed is ignored if menuChildren are provided'); final String label; final MenuSerializableShortcut? shortcut; final VoidCallback? onPressed; final List? menuChildren; static List build(List selections) { Widget buildSelection(MenuEntry selection) { if (selection.menuChildren != null) { return SubmenuButton( menuChildren:!), child: Text(selection.label), ); } return MenuItemButton( shortcut: selection.shortcut, onPressed: selection.onPressed, child: Text(selection.label), ); } return; } static Map shortcuts( List selections) { final Map result = {}; for (final MenuEntry selection in selections) { if (selection.menuChildren != null) { result.addAll(MenuEntry.shortcuts(selection.menuChildren!)); } else { if (selection.shortcut != null && selection.onPressed != null) { result[selection.shortcut!] = VoidCallbackIntent(selection.onPressed!); } } } return result; } } typedef _StringCallback = void Function(String string); typedef _ColorCallback = void Function(Color color); class _MyCascadingContextMenu extends StatefulWidget { const _MyCascadingContextMenu({ required this.anchor, required this.onToggleMessageVisibility, required this.onChangeBackgroundColor, required this.onChangeSelection, required this.showingMessage, }); final Offset anchor; final VoidCallback onToggleMessageVisibility; final _ColorCallback onChangeBackgroundColor; final _StringCallback onChangeSelection; final bool showingMessage; @override State<_MyCascadingContextMenu> createState() => _MyCascadingContextMenuState(); } class _MyCascadingContextMenuState extends State<_MyCascadingContextMenu> { ShortcutRegistryEntry? _shortcutsEntry; List get _menus { final List result = [ MenuEntry( label: 'About', onPressed: () { ContextMenuController.removeAny(); showAboutDialog( context: context, applicationName: 'MenuBar Sample', applicationVersion: '1.0.0', ); widget.onChangeSelection('About'); }, ), MenuEntry( label: widget.showingMessage ? 'Hide' : 'Show', onPressed: () { ContextMenuController.removeAny(); widget.onChangeSelection( widget.showingMessage ? 'Hide Message' : 'Show Message'); widget.onToggleMessageVisibility(); }, shortcut: const SingleActivator(LogicalKeyboardKey.keyS, control: true), ), // Hides the message, but is only enabled if the message isn't // already hidden. MenuEntry( label: 'Reset', onPressed: widget.showingMessage ? () { ContextMenuController.removeAny(); widget.onChangeSelection('Reset'); widget.onToggleMessageVisibility(); } : null, shortcut: const SingleActivator(LogicalKeyboardKey.escape), ), MenuEntry( label: 'Color', menuChildren: [ MenuEntry( label: 'Red', onPressed: () { ContextMenuController.removeAny(); widget.onChangeSelection('Red Background'); widget.onChangeBackgroundColor(; }, shortcut: const SingleActivator(LogicalKeyboardKey.keyR, control: true), ), MenuEntry( label: 'Green', onPressed: () { ContextMenuController.removeAny(); widget.onChangeSelection('Green Background'); widget.onChangeBackgroundColor(; }, shortcut: const SingleActivator(LogicalKeyboardKey.keyG, control: true), ), MenuEntry( label: 'Blue', onPressed: () { ContextMenuController.removeAny(); widget.onChangeSelection('Blue Background'); widget.onChangeBackgroundColor(; }, shortcut: const SingleActivator(LogicalKeyboardKey.keyB, control: true), ), ], ), ]; // (Re-)register the shortcuts with the ShortcutRegistry so that they are // available to the entire application, and update them if they've changed. _shortcutsEntry?.dispose(); _shortcutsEntry = ShortcutRegistry.of(context).addAll(MenuEntry.shortcuts(result)); return result; } @override void dispose() { _shortcutsEntry?.dispose(); super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return DesktopTextSelectionToolbar( anchor: widget.anchor, children:, ); } }