set -e # Backs up one directory at a time, looking for one called "flutter". Once it # finds that directory, an absolute path to it is returned. function getFlutterPath() { local path="" local counter=0 while [[ "${counter}" -lt 10 ]]; do [ -d "${path}flutter" ] && echo "$(pwd)/${path}flutter" && return 0 let counter++ path="${path}../" done } localSdkPath=$(getFlutterPath) if [ -z "$localSdkPath" ] then echo "Failed to find the Flutter SDK!." exit 1 fi echo "Flutter SDK found at ${localSdkPath}" declare -a PROJECT_NAMES=( "add_to_app/flutter_module" \ "add_to_app/flutter_module_using_plugin" \ "animations" \ "chrome-os-best-practices" \ "gallery/gallery" \ "flutter_maps_firestore" \ "isolate_example" \ "jsonexample" \ "place_tracker" \ "platform_design" "platform_view_swift" \ "provider_counter" \ "provider_shopper" \ "veggieseasons" \ ) for PROJECT_NAME in "${PROJECT_NAMES[@]}" do echo "== Testing '${PROJECT_NAME}' on Flutter's $FLUTTER_VERSION channel ==" pushd "${PROJECT_NAME}" # Run the analyzer to find any static analysis issues. "${localSdkPath}/bin/flutter" analyze # Run the formatter on all the dart files to make sure everything's linted. "${localSdkPath}/bin/flutter" format -n --set-exit-if-changed . # Run the actual tests. "${localSdkPath}/bin/flutter" test popd done echo "Run code segments check for 'gallery/gallery'." pushd gallery/gallery "${localSdkPath}/bin/flutter" pub run grinder verify-code-segments popd echo "Building the aar files for 'flutter_module'." pushd add_to_app/flutter_module "${localSdkPath}/bin/flutter" build aar popd declare -a ANDROID_PROJECT_NAMES=( "add_to_app/android_fullscreen" \ "add_to_app/android_using_plugin" \ "add_to_app/android_using_prebuilt_module" \ ) for PROJECT_NAME in "${ANDROID_PROJECT_NAMES[@]}" do echo "== Testing '${PROJECT_NAME}' on Flutter's $FLUTTER_VERSION channel ==" pushd "${PROJECT_NAME}" ./gradlew assembleDebug ./gradlew assembleRelease popd done echo "-- Success --"