# infinite_list A Flutter sample app that shows an implementation of the "infinite list" UX pattern. That is, a list is shown to the user as if it was continuous although it is internally paginated. This is a common feature of mobile apps, from shopping catalogs through search engines to social media clients. ![An animated gif of the app in action](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/919717/81858860-3a1e3280-9519-11ea-8e9c-9d22ac1bf0ed.gif) This particular sample uses the [Provider][] package but any other state management approach would do. [Provider]: https://pub.dev/packages/provider ## Goals for this sample * Show how UI code can be "shielded" from complex asynchrony and pagination logic using a `ChangeNotifier`. * Illustrate use of `Selector` from the Provider package. ## Questions/issues If you have a general question about Flutter, the best places to go are: * [Flutter documentation](https://flutter.dev/) * [StackOverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/flutter) If you run into an issue with the sample itself, please [file an issue](https://github.com/flutter/samples/issues).