// Copyright 2020 The Flutter team. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:grinder/grinder.dart'; import 'package:image/image.dart' as image; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; import 'package:samples_index/cookbook.dart'; import 'package:samples_index/samples_index.dart'; import 'package:samples_index/src/templates.dart' as templates; Future main(List args) => grind(args); @Task('Run tests in the VM') Future testCli() async => await TestRunner().testAsync(platformSelector: 'vm'); @Task() void analyze() { PubApp.local('tuneup').run(['check']); } @Task('deploy') @Depends(analyze, testCli, generate, buildRelease) void deploy() { log('All tasks completed. '); log(''); } @Task('Run build_runner to public/ directory') @Depends(createThumbnails) Future buildRelease() async { var app = PubApp.local('build_runner'); await app.runAsync( 'build --release --output web:public --delete-conflicting-outputs' .split(' ') .toList()); } @DefaultTask('Build the project.') @Depends(clean) Future generate() async { var samples = await getSamples(); log('Generating index for ${samples.length} samples...'); var outputFile = File('web/index.html'); await outputFile.create(recursive: true); await outputFile.writeAsString(templates.index(samples)); var futures = []; for (var sample in samples) { var file = File('web/${sample.filename}.html'); var future = file.create(recursive: true).then((_) async { await file.writeAsString(templates.description(sample)); }); futures.add(future); } await Future.wait(futures); log('Generated index for ${samples.length} samples.'); } @Task('Scrape the cookbook for images and descriptions') Future scrapeCookbook() async { var driver = await Process.start( 'chromedriver', ['--port=4444', '--url-base=wd/hub', '--verbose']); await driver.stdout.pipe(stdout); await driver.stderr.pipe(stderr); var scraper = CookbookScraper(); await scraper.init(); var links = await scraper.fetchCookbookLinks(); log('Scraping ${links.length} cookbook articles'); var allSamples = []; for (var link in links) { allSamples.add(await scraper.getMetadata(link)); await scraper.takeScreenshot(link); } var file = File('lib/src/cookbook.json'); await file.create(); var encoder = const JsonEncoder.withIndent('\t'); await file.writeAsString(encoder.convert(Index(allSamples))); await scraper.dispose(); var killed = driver.kill(); if (!killed) { log('failed to kill chromedriver process'); } } @Task('creates thumbnail images in web/images') Future createThumbnails() async { await _createThumbnails(Directory('web/images')); await _createThumbnails(Directory('web/images/cookbook')); } // Creates a thumbnail image for each png file Future _createThumbnails(Directory directory) async { var files = await directory.list().toList(); var filesToWrite = {}; for (var entity in files) { var extension = path.extension(entity.path); var filename = path.basenameWithoutExtension(entity.path); if (extension != '.png' || entity is! File || filename.endsWith('_thumb')) { continue; } var pathPrefix = path.dirname(entity.path); var thumbnailFile = File(path.join(pathPrefix, filename + '_thumb.png')); var img = image.decodeImage(await entity.readAsBytes()); var resized = image.copyResize(img!, width: 640); filesToWrite.add(thumbnailFile.writeAsBytes(image.encodePng(resized))); } await Future.wait(filesToWrite); } @Task('remove generated HTML files') Future clean() async { var tasks = []; await for (var file in Directory('web').list(recursive: true)) { if (path.extension(file.path) == '.html') { tasks.add(file.delete()); } } await Future.wait(tasks); }