Brett Morgan
Flutter 3.7.0 ( #1556 )
* Update `simplistic_editor` for Flutter 3.4 beta
* Re-enable beta and master CI
* Disable on master
* Added sample code for using plugins and channels from background isolates.
* goderbauer feedback 1
* goderbauer feedback2
* goderbauer feedback 3
* Add `background_isolate_channels` to CI
* Enable beta CI
* Enable all `stable` CI projects
* `dart fix --apply`
* `print` -> `denugPrint`
* Make deps min version not pinned
* Drop `_isDebug`
* Remove unused import
* `dart format`
* Fixup `linting_tool`
* Fixup `form_app`
* Enable all `master` CI
* Basic fixes
* Patch `simplistic_editor`
* Fix nl at eol
* Comment out `simplistic_editor`
* Incorporating @bleroux's latest changes
* Clean up CI scripts
* Copy `experimental/material_3_demo` to top level
* Update `game_template`
* Update `animations`
* Update `desktop_photo_search`
* Update `flutter_maps_firestore`
* Update `form_app`
* Update `infinite_list`
* Update `isolate_example`
* Update `jsonexample`
* Update `navigation_and_routing`
* Update `place_tracker`
* Update `platform_channels`
* Update `platform_design`
* Update `provider_shopper`
* Fixup `context_menus`
* `dart format`
* Update the main `material_3_demo`
* Make `tool/` executable again
Co-authored-by: Bruno Leroux <>
Co-authored-by: Aaron Clarke <>
2 years ago
Brett Morgan
`infinite_list` rebuild script ( #1361 )
3 years ago
Miguel Beltran
Update Android files in infinite_list ( #1014 )
3 years ago
Brett Morgan
infinite_list: Adjust lint rules and rebuild Android, iOS and Web runners ( #823 )
4 years ago
Brett Morgan
flutter pub update & various fixes ( #627 )
4 years ago
Filip Hracek
Add the infinite_list sample ( #440 )
This PR adds a Flutter sample app that shows an implementation of the "infinite list" UX pattern. That is, a list is shown to the user as if it was continuous although it is internally paginated. This is a common feature of mobile apps, from shopping catalogs through search engines to social media clients.
5 years ago